All posts by gracejiang

Swimming ………… its more than just a sport!


 “Swimmers don’t swim because its fun. Ask any of us, most of us hate it, but we couldn’t imagine our lives without it. Its part of us, something we live for. We live for the 3 hour practices, the team parties, the long bus rides, the countless swim caps, the jokes, the friendships, the laughs, the coaches you hate but appreciate later, and the sport itself. We live for the way you become a family with your team, and how no one really understands what happens within the pool or locker room but you and your teammates. We live for the countless songs you sing in your head when you’re swimming all those laps. We live for the people who scream at you while you’re swimming even though all you hear is BLAH BLAH BLAH. We live for the competition, we live for the friends, we live for the practice, and we live for the pain. We live for the team; it’s a part of us because we are swimmers.” – Unknown

Swimming ………… its more than just a sport!

Swim Team Final Event

Dear Parents and Swimmers,

Firstly, I would like to thank all the swimmers and parents for making last Saturday’s Kids triathlon a huge success. Congratulations to all those who competed and those that came in on Saturday to help. I couldn’t do it without you. Thanks to the team members that did the Nanjingman on Sunday. You were all fantastic.

Now down to the business at hand. This coming Friday May 30th is the fourth and final event of our NIS Sea Lions Club Championships Super Series of races –  the 50’s Splash and Dash. This will be our last event for the year and we are hoping to see some fast swimming – so be ready to go, go, go!!! 

All parents, family and friends are welcome, and we as usual would greatly appreciate any help in with the event – marshalling, back up time keepers, BBQ cooks and food servers.

The  schedule for the event will be as follows:

  •  Be at the pool by 3:10 for a team photo – it is important that all swimmers wear their new team shirts. Please see that they have them and that their name is written on them so they can be identified.
  • Races start at 3:20pm
  • Races finish at 5:00pm
  • BBQ until 5:30 pm
  • Awards ceremony in the theatre at 5:30 – 6:00pm
  • Finish – 6:00pm 

All times are approximate.

The awards will be as follows:

  •  Club champion awards for the top 3 swimmers boys and girls for each age group. This will be based on the points accumulated over the four club championships super series events. 
  • Team movie
  • Team awards that have been based on the whole season. 
  • Special event

We will be having a light BBQ just to refuel the swimmers after their races before the awards ceremony.  Anne and I will be providing home made sausage sandwiches for the BBQ. If you would like to bring some finger food such as chips, cookies, cakes, etc that would be great but please don’t feel that you need to. We won’t be supplying any drinks so please bring your water bottle. 

We look forward to seeing you all here.


The NIS Aquatics Team

John, Anne, Grace, Tony, Peter, Alex, George & our 2 newest members Nicole & Damon

Swim Team Newsletter – May 5th 2014

Well what a fantastic week of swimming the first 3 events of the Club Championship Super Series made. There were 23 new school records set over the week and loads of PB times across the whole team, so well done to all of you. Your coaches think you are all amazing!

NOW is the time to pick yourself up and find the motivation to finish the season with some more PB’s and school records. The final event of the series is just around the corner in 4 weeks on Friday May 30th. It is a tight competition for the age group trophies and this will be the event that decides who will rise up and get the points to take home one of these coveted awards. It could be YOU!!! So make your training over the next 4 weeks and be ready for the final of the finals, the 50’s smash out session. Finish the year off with the fastest swims you can.

Training is as usual this week THEN over WK 33 – study week & WK 34 – exam week,  training is optional. The pool will be open for you to train yourselves, if you want. In WK 35 leading up to the final event, training will be as usual. These training schedule changes will not affect PYP students as their training times will remain unchanged.

Special events notice: 

  • Saturday May 24th – NIS Kids Triathlon  –  Sign up is now open – The  sign up sheet is in my office.
  • Sunday May 25th – Nanjingman triathlon –  Sign up at  –
  • Friday May 30th – Final event of the Club Championship Super Series – The 50’s smash out session, awards evening & BBQ
  • August 16th – 28th – Nanjing Youth Olympics – 

Good luck to all with their exams and exhibition. Like anything in life, preparation is paramount, so ensure you have organised your time well; prioritise your study time first.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above information please come and see me or look on the NIS web page under “swimming”. This is a page where you can get all the information on swimming including this newsletter and all other info and pictures that have happened throughout the year. Have a look and let me know anything else we could put on there.

See you all at training.

SELFIE – ACAMIS Swim Meet 2014

[mediacore height=”315px” public_url=”” thumb_url=”” title=”ACAMIS Swim Meet 2014 (#Selfie Version)” width=”560px”]