Year: 2016

General Reminder about Passport Updating and Request Form related

  1. Passport Update for Banking –  for those who updated your passport, you need update your passport at the bank counter for banking transaction. Please take the old passport or the copy, the new passport, the expert certificate to the CMB counter to update it. Any question at the bank counter, please contact our bank liaison Grace Song, whose mobile phone number is 137 7079 6085.
  1. Please always ask for FA PIAO within China for reimbursement objective. The FA PIAO title is Nanjing International School.
  1. All school purchase should be done by our Purchasing Department only. Please don’t place order directly.
  1. Please glue your official receipts at the back of the request form evenly. Neither staple nor clip please.

Reminder : bus form

Dear all,

A reminder: Please sign the bus form for TGIF in Staff Lounge by lunch time today if you would like to take the bus.


Hello Seniors!

This Friday, August 26th, plan for a full-day retreat in a very remote location – the NIS Center!  School day will be the same 8:00 to 3:00.    8:00 to 8:40 in the PAC for Morning Assembly then go to the Center 3rd floor room.

Booking the PYP LGR

Dear All,

The PYP LGR is used for regular classes throughout the week. The schedule is clearly posted on the door and is attached to this message. The process for booking the PYP LGR is as follows:

  • Check the schedule to see if there is a class using it first
  • Only request a booking for the free slots
  • Fill in a yellow form and submit as usual

In this way there should be less conflicts to resolve. Thanks!

PYP LGR timetable

Grade 12 EE Supervisors

Dear Grade 12 EE Supervisors,

I will be working with the Grade 12 students during Life 101 today (Monday 22nd) to give them some guidance towards completing their EEs. If any of you are available and can come along to meet your students, please feel free to do so. I will be in room 340.




Creative New Undertakings Prototype – Tuesday, August 23rd

On Tuesday, August 23rd, during Parent-Led Conferences, some grade 5 students, student advisors, and a few educators will work together to help "build a database of keen parents with a variety of expertise for students to connect with during Grade 5 exhibition, mini-PP, the Personal Project, Extended Essay, and for the [Creative New Undertakings] units going on across the school” (K. Bratton, personal communication, August 19, 2016).

In the Centre, students will "get the attention of parents walking by, and help them get their info to the database (Think the “step right up!” guy at a circus)…from 1:30-4:15pm” (Bratton, 2016). There will be stations of computers set up and ready for parent input that asks them for help or guidance with aspects of life in which they are passionate about.

If you have any questions about the strategic project, or wish to help, please contact: Mr. Paul Johnson, Mr. Tom Johnson, or Ms. Jo Andrew.


TGIF – Aug 26

Dear all,

The TGIF this week will be in Ziquan Building in Dongjiao State Guest House ( the compound The Tyoschins stay in).

The bus from NIS will leave at 4.45pm and the return one is to be confirmed. Please sign the bus form in Staff Lounge by lunch time tomorrow.

If you would like to drive, please refer to the map attached.


Every one is welcomed.


Senior Retreat

Hello teachers of Seniors,

This Friday, August 26th, 2016 the Grade 12 students will not be attending classes because they will be doing a Senior retreat day for college counseling.  Please plan accordingly.  We will be on campus in the center for the whole day.

SET Minutes Week Two

Hello All,

Please find the attached minutes from our SET meetings this week. Due to an exciting change in the way we are running our meetings, minutes will now be published on a weekly basis. Please ask any SET member for details! Hint: It involves rugby…


Good news

GOOD NEWS! Printing was down last year by 13% compared to the previous year. Well done! Let’s cut it again this year.

A reminder of the small actions we can take to reduce waste at NIS to contribute to a sustainable future:

  • Turn off lights when leaving all rooms
  • Turn off Smartboards when not in use
  • Unplug computers and phones once they are fully charged
  • Reduce output of A/C
  • Close doors when A/C is on
  • Avoid plastic cutlery, cups, straws, single use bottles etc in the Cafe and cafeteria
  • Reduce photocopying; photocopy onto used paper wherever possible
  • Avoid laminating as far as possible-plastic lasts too long
  • Control litter – ask others to pick up their rubbish

Model  this behaviour and encourage it in others. It’s your future.

After school Evacuation guidelines for primary students

Following yesterday’s unplanned evacuation after school, here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. If a student is in Grade PreK-G3, they should stay with their parent or guardian (they may want to line up at their class spot, if they wish but it is not necessary).
  2. If a student is in an ASA, they should line up with their ASA teacher.
  3. If a student is in G4-5 and does not have a parent here (because they are waiting for their 4:15 ASA) they should go to their class line up spot.

Remember, what is most important is that everyone is out of the building and on the running track awaiting instructions.