University of Manchester Visit Monday Feb 27 at Lunch Mr. Newman’s Room
Welcome grades 10-12 for a Biology talk on infectious diseases by Dr. Nicky High, a professor at University of Manchester. Followed by a discussion about university life at Manchester. Monday at 12:50 in Mr. Newman’s classroom.
Student Council Talent Show – Friday, February 24th
Come and Support the Performers
in the Talent Show
at 7pm.
Free entrance !
Overseas Line Temporary Outage @1515
Good morning,
Today, Friday, 24 February 2017, at 1515, we will have to temporarily shut down our connection to the VPN line for 30-45 minutes for some maintenance on our hardware. We will still have a connection to local internet, but you will need to use your personal VPNs for access to Google and other sites blocked in China for this time. Thank you for your patience as we work to make your surfing experience in the future a better one!
Have a great weekend,
Your Friendly NIS IT Department
Discovery in Space!!!
For those of you wondering why Google had the unique logo yesterday and neglected to click on it, it was celebrating a landmark day in history for space exploration. Not ancient history, but current, up-to-the-minute history! Yesterday, 23 February 2017, with the help of a coordinated effort of ground telescopes and NASA’s Spitzer telescope, we located “the first known system of seven Earth-size planets around a single star,” several of which are in the “habitable zone” and “could potentially have liquid water.” For more on this amazing discovery, check out this link or click on the video below.
NEAMC Trip March 2-5
The six students on the attached list of six grades 7 and 8 students will be absent from school on Thursday March 2 and Friday March 3 as they are attending the North East Asia Mathematics Competition in Tokyo. NEAMCLIST-y3jamp
Grades 7 & 8 ISA today
Students in Grades 7 & 8 you will have your final ISA tests today.
Block 1: Grade 8
8A: Mr Messom D240
8B: Mr Orteza D343
Block 2: Grade 7
7A: Ms Snyder D215
7B: Ms O’Brien D210
7C: Mr Snyder D212
MS/US Assembly Tomorrow!
See you there!
Purple Duck’s Word of the Week
What does this word mean to you?
Use it as inspiration to create a poem about this concept, in whatever way you choose to interpret it!
Purple Duck will pick the best submission of the week so make sure to email your submission to by Sunday night!
The winning poem will be read at the March 24 Friday assembly, in honour of World Poetry Day on March 21.
Stay tuned for another word to inspire you next week.
BEI MUN March 2-5
The 9 grades 10 and 11 students on the attached list will be absent from school all day on Thursday March 2 and Friday March 3 as they are attending BEI MUN. BEIMUNLIST-1k60p4m
Calisthenics – Grade 8 to 12
For grades 8 to 12! Every Thursday afternoon from 3:15 PM till 4:15 PM there will be a calisthenics training outside at the bars. Everyone is welcome to participate, both boys and girls. Calisthenics is an ancient Greek sport which focuses on bodyweight exercises. Come and give it a try, no sign up needed. Let’s have fun training together!
For more information – Shaquille Mac-Intosh, Athletics office
ISA Tests today
Dear Students in Grades 7,8,9 and 10…
A reminder that today you will be taking the International Schools Assessment (ISA) Writing Tests online. This is where you need to be and when:
Grade 10: Block 1 and 2
10A – Ms Keus M252, 10B – Mr Orteza D343, 10C – Mr Newman D203
Grade 9: Blocks 3 and 4
9A: Mr Joyce Design Centre, 9B: Ms Ryan D347, 9C:Mr Marsh Design Centre
Grade 8: Block 5 (and Block 1 on Thursday 23rd)
8A – Mr Messom D240, 8B – Mr Orteza D343
Grade 7: Block 5 (and Block 2 on Thursday 23rd)
7A – Ms Snyder D215, 7B – Ms O’Brien D210, 7C – Mr Snyder D212
You will need fully charged computers as the test is ONLINE
Birthday Cupcakes -February Birthdays
PTA is giving out Birthday Cupcakes Today, Wednesday, at morning break, in the foyer in front of the Library. Happy Birthday all February Babies!
Seesaw for Upper School
I’ve started seriously using Seesaw in my MYP/DP classes and even music clubs. In the first semester, I used it as a tool for student feedback and parent communication; this semester, I’ve expanded it into grade 6 – 8 process journals. I’ve become such a Seesaw fangirl that I’ve even been accepted into the Seesaw Ambassador programme. As part of this, I need to hold training sessions, with the first before March 31st. If you are interested in seeing how Seesaw can work upstairs, please contact me and I’ll find a lunch or Thursday that we can get together for a show & share.