G7-11 Exam Schedule
Please see attached the exam schedule. Please check you are not taking an exam when you register for an activity.
Girls Open Gym (or Court) Today
Girls from 7-12, see you there!
Coach Barder
FMother’s Day Promotion
Dear overseas staff,
Best wishes,
Clara Xi
HR Assistant
Nanjing International School
Tel: +86 25 85899111*3060 / Fax: +86 25 85899222
G7-11 Pre-Exam Activities Sign-ups
Good morning, Students in Grades 7-11!
You can now browse Block 1 Pre-Exam Activities on your Veracross portal.
- Sign-ups start Monday at 7:00am.
- Sign-ups close Thursday at 4:30pm.
- If you do not sign-up for an activity, you must go to your Block 1 class where you will be able to engage in quiet study.
If we have low sign-ups for pre-exam activities, these activities will be discontinued next year.
Mrs Tyoschin
Library Contest Winners
We had 101 entries, with guesses ranging from 39 to 100 billion books. The most clever guess was from Mr. Newton with 12,345! The actual answer is 41,011. Our 3 winners, who will receive a free book from the bookfair, are:
Samuel Kay, grade 8: 41,357
Min Joon Kim, 3B: 40,920
Elsa Li, 3B: 41,000
Gr 11 Extended and Senior Essay Submission: T minus 3 weeks!
Come to the library this afternoon, and dedicate some concentrated time to your Extended or Senior Essay before June 1st! Mrs Romero and Ms Ham will be on hand to help from 3:15pm – 4:15pm.
See you there!
The Student Council needs you !!
Attention All Grade 6-9 Students !
Are you interested in joining the Student Council next year?
You can volunteer now.
Let Ms. Droulez know by May 14.
Don’t forget to mention what grade you will be in next year.
More students will be elected in August.
Note that the Constitution of the Student Council allows you to participate for one semester only if you prefer.
There are five committees:
- Advisory Committee
- Assembly Committee
- Major Events and Sales Committee
- Publications Committee
- Wellness Committee
CISSA Junior Boys Basketball trip on May 18-19th
Attached list of 10 boys from Grade 5 to Grade 6 will be absent from school 1.30pm on Friday May 18th for CISSA junior boys basketball in shanghai.CISSA Junior Boys Basketball
Important information on Clearance and Leaving Procedures
Dear All,
As we enter the home straight here are some reminders about the Clearance Forms and Leaving Procedures for our departing students in case you are asked questions or are new to the process.
- Each leaving student in every grade must have a Clearance Form. Parents complete the whole form for PS, and for MS/US the front page is for parents and the other two sheets for the students to complete. Dr Juan organises the G12 students himself.
- This is the link to the FAQ’s . The Transfer Info sheet is in three languages
- Forms can be obtained either from Main Reception, Admissions or downloaded off the website.
- TEACHERS are required to sign off for their subject in Grades 6-12, and HR in PS. IMPORTANT: BEFORE SIGNING, please ensure that there are no outstanding items due to be returned to you ie books, instruments or sports equipment. The book deposit of RMB 830 is only repaid if the Clearance Form is duly completed. We rely on your signatures as proof that there is nothing owing to NIS.
- Leaving staff children must also complete Clearance Forms and follow the same procedures.
- On the student’s last day – in exchange for their completed form we will hand over the studentship letter in PS and transcripts for MS/US. This is done by the Ladies on Main Reception with support from Admissions.
- Julia Zhang, Financial Controller on the 2nd floor of the Centre opposite the lift is always the last person to sign off on the form. She checks that there is no money owing to school by the student and the family.
- MACBOOKS: Please remind students that all MacBooks must handed into IT for them to clear off all school settings and software, and so EVERYTHING must be backed up by students as laptops will be wiped clean and they will not be able to retrieve anything. I would encourage all leaving students in Grades 5-11 to go and ask IT if they have any questions about this – especially in terms of the best time to get this done during that final busy week.
- Semester 2 reports will be out on Thursday 14th June and not before.
All leaving families must download and print them off, as once they have left NIS they will no longer have access to Veracross. - If any student has a special request or needs help, send them either to Admissions or arrange an appointment with Arden.
- If Korean students have additional document requests, please redirect them to Samantha or Arden.
- Year Books will be handed out on the last day to all students. If you have missing students or others who have left early please arrange for them to be signed by their classmates as this is much appreciated. Over the holidays we will arrange for them to be forwarded to the address on the Clearance Form. Kindly take them to Reception or Admissions Office with their name and grade on the outside, as they can get mislaid over the summer break.
- Please continue to pass on any intel about leaving students. This can be a very unsettling time for some families who still do not know their future plans.
Any questions please come and see us in Admissions Office, call Sue on 13809022693 or email us at admissions@nanjing-school.com
Thanks for your help and cooperation
Grace, Jane, Lucy and Sue
The A Team
PYP EXHIBITION coming soon
Wednesday 23rd: We start collecting display boards ( with all papers, pins and staples removed – Thank you!)
Thursday 24th: During Block 1 Exhibition Performance Dress Rehearsal. This is for All PS and Grade 6. Classes concerned will be emailed with details.
Thursday 24th 6:00-8:00pm Performance and Exhibition for Parents
Friday 25th 8: 20 to 12:30 Exhibition open for the WHOLE SCHOOL. Session times coming to you soon.
THANK YOU everyone in advance for your excellent support as always!
Contest: Guess the number of books in the library to win a free book from the bookfair
The closest 3 guesses will receive a free book from the bookfair. Winners will be announced tomorrow morning. One entry per student. Either click on this link or scan the QR code to enter. May the odds be ever in your favor!
Ambassadors Full
Hello All,
Thank you to those students who have told us of their interest in being an ambassador next year. We will not be accepting any further emails of interest.
Ms. Bezzerides and Mrs. Galaty
Student Council Presidential Election
Today is the day !!
Vote for your favourite team in your Advisory.
Summer and Cameron – Grades 8 and 10 next year
Felicity and Winston – Grade 11 next year
Michelle and Senaash – Grades 11 and 12 next year
The winning team will be revealed on Friday.