School of Rock will meet tomorrow during lunch. See you there.
1819 Home Leave Allowance Updates
Dear Overseas Colleagues,
Your 2018-19 HLA has been updated basing on current contract end, please feel free to get the letter via individual pigeonhole.
Community Activities: Payment reminder
Dear parents,
Just a gentle reminder, that there is still a payment open for some of the Community activities you/your child has signed in.
CA office hours: Tuesday 10:00 to 14:30, Thursday and Friday 8:15 to 10:00
Cashier office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 to 11:30 12:30 to 16:00
Tuesday and Thursday 12:30 to 16:00
Thank you for your cooperation,
Katja Schubert
Extended Block One Reminder
Hello MS/US Students,
A reminder that your Block One classes will be extended to 9:40am on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week due to MAP testing.
25th Anniversary Information
Hello 25’ers,
Please find the very close to final schedule, class pairings, top tips, and a sample of the four elements each group will be responsible for on Friday in preparation for the 25th celebration. The idea is that each combined group will have one year from NIS History to celebrate. Because each combined group is around 25 students (PS HR + MS/US ADV), they will divide into four “committees” to complete four distinct tasks related to that year with us as teachers providing support.
After about two hours of preparation on the day (with celebratory cupcakes and Break to, well, break things up), each combined group will present in the Gym at 1:30pm before moving through the rest of the afternoon’s events. Note: The attached instructions are a sample. Each combined group will have its own year, photo, and theme. Each committee’s tasks, however, are generally the same.
Please see Kasson, Katie, Ruth, Adam, Paul U., and/or Laurie with questions. If you notice any errors or omissions please let Kasson know ASAP!
Thanks in advance for your efforts, school spirit, and joie de vivre!
Ps. Don’t forget to encourage students to wear their NIS gear on the day. Top-Tip: Have students bring in their NIS attire throughout the week so they are not left out on the day! This goes for us too!
Code Blue TODAY at 9:55am
A reminder that we will have a Code Blue Lockdown Drill today at 9:55am. The procedure was communicated on a (orange) handout last week. Please prepare our students as needed.
Many Thanks.
Uni Visits Today at 10:20
Beloit College and Centre College are here at 10:20 in the LGR.
Stop by and ask some questions about their student center, campus cafeteria, sports and clubs.
Flipster – online magazines for students and adults
Go to the library homepage ( and click on “Flipster” under all the colored squares. If you are asked to login, the login is nislions and the password is nanjing. Stop by the library with any questions!
Cigna & OWC visit on Sept. 26, 2018 @ H303
Dear overseas staff,
Cigna & OWC will visit NIS on Sept. 26, 2018 (10:30~15:00) @ H303 Centre.
Best wishes,
Clara Xi