Year: 2018

Drama opportunity for Grade 6 and 7

Charity Theatre 2018 

This year’s Charity Theatre Programme will begin in March. This is a cultural exchange between migrant worker students in Nanjing and NIS students. We will work togthether doing theatre workshops and activities leading to a final performance.

There are 10 places for students in Grades 6 and 7.

If you are interested in this exciting opportunity please come to a meeting during Friday break (10:40) in the Black Box.

Travel Vaccinations – A Guide for your CNY Break (from OWC)

Dear colleagues,

please see the message below from OWC.

Best wishes,

Clara Xi


As we approach the Chinese New Year break some of you will be going on vacation. Many of you will be visiting tropical destinations in Southeast Asia, or travelling to remote parts of China, which require certain travel vaccinations prior to making the trip.

One World Cover have put together a simple guideline to what vaccinations are required for popular holiday destinations in the region – including information on which hospitals and clinics in Shanghai and Beijing stock which vaccinations.

Please see the link here: Travel Vaccinations Guide

You might be surprised to hear in China that medication for or vaccinations against diseases such as yellow fever, cholera and malaria are only available at specific “travel healthcare centers” and that there is only one such center in both Shanghai and Beijing. Contact details for popular “expat” (or private) clinics and hospitals and the Shanghai and Beijing Travel Healthcare Center are included in the guide.

Please note that the information provided is intended as a general reference or guideline to assist with your planning prior to taking a trip. You should consult your Doctor prior to travel to see if you need a specific vaccination. There is often conflicting advice on what vaccinations are required for specific countries or areas within a country.

Wishing you all safe and happy travels…


MS/US Awards Assembly Tomorrow Block One!

Hello MS/US Superstars,

Our MS/US Awards Assembly will be held TOMORROW at 8:15am in the PAC (rescheduled from the snow day!).

Please report to Advisory as usual and on-time for a special activity, then head to the PAC at 8:10am. Please leave your things in your Advisory and pick up after. This will mean no Block One tomorrow and maybe a few minutes out of Block Two. Sorry! 

Award recipients, dress sharp and tell you parents (they have been emailed, but still!)

See you then!

MS/US Yearbook Photo Mugshot Make-ups

Dear Grades 6-12 Students
Students that were not here for October yearbook photos will have a retake tomorrow. This will happen during the first 1/2 of lunch (12:50-1:25) in the drama room (beside the Black Box)
If you are not sure that this is you, please ask your Advisor now (they have the list!).
For everyone else, check with your Advisor for your Study Group photo time.
Say “Cheese!” 

Grade 4 Living Migration Museum this Thursday

Visit the Grade 4 Living Migration Museum this Thursday, February 1st! This event takes place after morning break (10:40 am) at the foyer in front of the NIS Library!

Come and find out about each character’s migration experiences!

See you then!

Grade 4 Teachers

Saturday Morning Football Helpers – MS Service Activity / G10-11 CAS (Service or Action Activity).

The Saturday K2-Grade 3 Football activity would like some Middle School / Upper School students to help from 10.00am to 11.30am. If you love Football and like working with young students please sign up on the Service Activities Sign-Up link or email me. The activity will start Saturday March 3. You will not have to do it every week. After signups are complete the Saturdays you will do it will be arranged. If you have any questions please contact me.

Changing Room Notice

Dear All

kindly be reminded that we are going to clean the fitness lockers again this Thursday 1st Feb. from 21:00-21:300.

Please do not leave your personal belongings in the lockers, and remember to return the key back to the front desk when you have finished exercising.

Any unclaimed items will be put in the Lost Property cupboards near the IT Offices,

Thanks for your cooperation!

Arek Owczarek

Chinese Drumming Club

We will have a Chinese drumming club practice today during lunch from 12:50 – 13:20. We will be working on the Chinese Dragon Dance, from Joe and Kay.

NIS Since 1992 Ribbons

On Wednesday morning, students will write their one word that represents NIS on a ribbon.

Today & Tuesday, please discuss this with students in Homeroom and Advisory, asking them to think about their word.

On Tuesday afternoon, ribbons and pens will be put in Homeroom Teacher and Advisory Teacher pigeon holes for pickup.

Note: students may write their word in English or their home language

As students write their words, please record the words, IN ENGLISH, in the attached Word document.  No commas, just spaces between words.  In the case that a word may be used by different students more than once, repeat the word.  Ex: if 4 students use the word “inclusive”, write inclusive 4 times.

NIS Ribbon Words-27txsum

Finally, return ribbons to Lucy and email the Word document to Lucy as well.

Thank you!

Veracross – Bolder, Brighter, and more Beautiful!

You may have logged into Veracross last night, or early this morning and found something new. Don’t fear, you’re still in the correct spot for your NIS learning needs! The day has come for the release of our new (and improved) Veracross Portal page for Students, Parents and Faculty. What does this mean for you? A true portal for students and faculty in terms of finding all those links to Managebac, Office 365, etc. and all from your “homepage” on Veracross. Also, a more visual page that will hopefully aid with navigation for those of us still learning to navigate the English language. There may be some things that we may have missed in the transition or that are merely found under a different heading. Either way, please don’t hesitate to email us if you feel something is missing and we will try to fix it.

Veracross – Bolder, Brighter, and more Beautiful!

You may have logged into Veracross last night, or early this morning and found something new. Don’t fear, you’re still in the correct spot for your NIS learning needs! The day has come for the release of our new (and improved) Veracross Portal page for Students, Parents and Faculty. What does this mean for you? A true portal for students and faculty in terms of finding all those links to Managebac, Office 365, etc. and all from your “homepage” on Veracross. Also, a more visual page that will hopefully aid with navigation for those of us still learning to navigate the English language. There may be some things that we may have missed in the transition or that are merely found under a different heading. Either way, please don’t hesitate to email us if you feel something is missing and we will try to fix it. Joe will be circulating after school tomorrow for PS and can come around to US Roundtables on Tuesday for more information and to answer questions and walk you through the new Portal.

Thank you for your resilience!