Day: January 16, 2019

Facility Notice

The sliding door at main entrance of The Centre is not working properly. We’ve already contacted the supplier come to replace the broken fittings ASAP. Please use the side doors. Thanks.

Facility Department

Accidental reminder…

To all those who have taken a script for Accidental Theatre auditions: auditions will be held in the Black Box at the following times…

Monday, 21st January: lunchtime (come at 12:55)

Tuesday, 22nd January: lunchtime (come at 12:35)

For those who are still thinking of auditioning, see Mr.Brown or Mr.Hammond for scripts as soon as you can!

We hope to post the final cast list on Tuesday or Wednesday next week. For the successful participants, the first meeting will be held in the Black Box after school on Thursday, 24th January.

Grade 10 – 11 Subject Choices Due TODAY

Hi, Grade 10.

Only 1/3 of the grade level has returned the subject forms. They are due today.

Please submit your subject choices to me by the end of today. If I am not in my office, please leave your sheet on my desk in the pink basket.

Thank you!

Ms Ham