The library will be open on Saturday, March 2, from 10:00-12:00 for reading, book checkout, and studying. Come and check it out!
Strategy survey for faculty
NIS Students Tech Team Signup
Click Here to sign up for the Student Tech Team.
Join the Student Tech Team and have some fun learning and sharing your computer knowledge with your fellow students and teachers. We will meet once a week during lunchtime. Helping others use technology better is our goal. It will be a fun group to join!!!
Any question, please
Reach Leon Letkeman: or Cindy:
Visit us in Macquarium C102
Click Here to sign up for the Student Tech Team.
Reminder: Substitution Coordinator Opening SY19/20
Hello Colleagues,
Please find the linked job description for NIS Substitution Coordinator, beginning August 2019. Interested applicants should send a CV and Statement of Interest to Kasson via email by Friday, March 1st at 4:00pm.
Please pass this information to any partner, spouse, or colleague you think might be interested in applying for this internal posting.
XBlock Presentation Today 3:15pm D208
Looking for something to do after school today?
Keen to learn more about XBlock in the NIS Middle School?
Want to know what trade secrets we are planning to give away at ACAMIS this weekend?
Always looking for an opportunity to give some critical friend feedback?
Well look no further! Come along to D208 today at 3:15pm for a journey through space and time as Ruth and I run through our ACAMIS Leadership presentation.
Presentation Blurb:
Nanjing International School is in its second year of a fully operational student-led inquiry program in the middle grades. This program, dubbed “X-Block,” is an incubator for strategic learning initiatives relating to student voice, student choice, and pushing the boundaries of learning beyond the campus walls. The goal of this session is to share insights, challenges, and lingering questions both about the program itself, as well as around the notion of promoting student agency and a culture of trial and error within an inclusive, international, middle school context.
Hope to see you there!
Birthday Cupcakes -February Birthdays
PTA is giving out Birthday Cupcakes Today, Wednesday, at morning break, in the foyer in front of the Library. Happy Birthday all February Babies!
TODAY: Yearbook Mugshots and Group Photos in MS LGR
Dear Colleagues:
As it is a tight schedule, please make sure your students are on time for their group photos. PS teachers: You may want to line up your students from shortest to tallest before leaving your room.
Attached are today’s photo timetable (for mugshots and class group photos) and a list of students who need to have their mugshots taken.
Students who need mugshots should report to the MS LGR between 8:00 and 8:25; for teachers and other staff who need an individual photo, the times are 12:50 to 1:25 and 2:45 to 3.
Group photos begin at 8:40. MS/US students should be released five-to-seven minutes before their appointed times so that they can be ready to be photographed. PS students teachers should come as a homeroom group.
Thank you!
Free downloadable posters of STEM role models
Nevertheless, a podcast about women in technology, has created eight free downloadable posters about STEM role models from around the world — each featuring the artwork of a female artist. The women featured serve as amazing role models in their fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (or STEM as it’s often referred to).
NIS Students Tech Team Signup
Click Here to sign up for the Student Tech Team.
Join the Student Tech Team and have some fun learning and sharing your computer knowledge with your fellow students and teachers. We will meet once a week during lunchtime. Helping others use technology better is our goal. It will be a fun group to join!!!
Any question, please
Reach Leon Letkeman: or Cindy:
Visit us in Macquarium C102
Click Here to sign up for the Student Tech Team.
No Primary Student Council meeting this week
There will be no primary Student Council meeting this week. Thanks, and see you next Wednesday!
ACAMIS Track and Field Training
ACAMIS Track and Field Training has started.
It seems that ACAMIS Track and Field Training is the place to be. We have had some very healthy numbers to training so far. If you are interested in developing fitness components and acquiring skills that are transferable to other sports then come along. Please register on Veracross and join the crew – Monday and Wednesday 4.15-5.45 pm.
Announced Evacuation Drill @ 11.25am on March 04th, 2019
As scheduled, next Fire Drill will take place on Monday 04 March @ 11.25am for whole school.
Students please help by completing this survey.
Two grade 10 students need your help by completing this survey.