Helmet survey
G6-11 Helmet Survey
Hello. We are Katie and Suyoung from grade 8. For our CAS project, we are spreading awareness for bike and road safety. If you could help us out by taking this super-quick survey, that would be great. Survey closes Friday 29th March.
Learning2Asia @NIS: Are you interested?
If you’re interested in finding out more, please fill in the form!
Facility Notice
During Apr break:
1. Main building-Green Gym close for maintenance: Apr 1st & Apr 4th from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
2. Alarming system testing around whole school area (Fire drill & Lock down) : Apr 4th whole day.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Facility Department
March Media Mentor Month
Following on from the Weekly Bulletin post about March Media Mentor Month, here is today’s challenge:
While the original post was primarily for parents, teachers are also encouraged to try some of these with their students as well. Try and complete as many of the activities in the calendar as you can throughout the month of March and if you would like to share with our community, make sure to mention @nischinaorg (on Instagram) or @NISChina (on Twitter or Facebook) so we can follow your progress! Together we can mentor each other to be more mindful and purposeful users of technology!
The rest of the calendar can be found below:
Save Your Work Easier!
Attention students in grades 4-12!
Ever finish a great idea on the whiteboard, white-table or notebook and want to save it in a format that you can easily use for class? Want something better than just snapping a picture with your phone only to have to try and remember what day you took it, or what the picture immediately before and after it was? Do you wish it was searchable?
Well, Office 365 just made it a lot easier! Make your lives easier by downloading the OneDrive App on your phone or iPad today!
Create folders on the fly or use the ones that you’ve copied from your desktop, snap a picture, then select the folder and name the pic and voila! You have a neat photo or PDF now saved exactly where you need it (and it’s searchable from your laptop, tablet, or phone). Stay tuned for more info coming soon from a teacher or tech coach near you!
Download to your mobile device of choice here:
For a quick overview of how it works, check out the video for what it looks like on an Android Device below!
Life 101 Grd 10-12 March 28
Attention…New Locations for today’s Life 101:
Grade 10 – Large Group Room
Grade 11 – Ms Lenk and Ms Creme’s classrooms
Grade 12 – Large Music Room