Month: June 2019

Closing Day Information

Hi All,

The forecast for today is rain so we are calling indoor break now.  Break today runs from at 10:00am-10:20am. Students in EY will spend the this time in the Blue Gym, Grades 1-2 will spend the Break in their corridor and classrooms, and Grades 3-5 will do the same.

MS/US students will spend the Break in the Green Gym, rocking out to the bands and signing yearbooks. All other spaces, including the cafeteria, will be off-limits. Other than yearbooks, you should leave everything in your Advisories.

At 10:20am the bell will go and PS students will quickly make their way to the Green Gym where we will all sit by House according to this seating plan for the Shield presentation.

After the Shield is presented, we will dismiss back to Homerooms and Advisories by grade level for final goodbyes. At 11:00am the bell will go and school will officially be “out… for summer!”

Today’s schedule is reposted here.

Have a great (final) morning of School Year 2018-2019!




Closing Day 2019 Schedule

Hello All,

We Hope you are looking forward to a lovely morning tomorrow as we wrap up the academic year. Please find the linked overall schedule for the day and bring along a pen for all the yearbook signing. We’ll plan to celebrate the House Shield in the Green Gym and finish the day back in Homerooms and Advisories for an 11:00am dismissal.

See you then!


Come on, students…turn those books in!

The following students need to return textbooks and/or library books ASAP:

Grade 6

Madox B. – textbooks

Alina D. – textbooks

Charlie G. – textbooks

Yannick L. – textbooks

Luis P. – textbooks

Max W. – textbooks

Shi Yu W. – textbooks

Han Z. – library books

Finn Z. – textbooks


Grade 7

Zhi J. – textbooks

Hyemin P. – textbooks

Bangce Q. – textbooks

Byeongsoo S. – textbooks


Grade 8

Suyoung B. – textbooks

Oscar B. – textbooks

Jennifer C. – textbooks

Eric C. – textbooks

Jaemin K. – textbooks

Max S. – textbooks

Melissa W. – textbooks

Cici X. – library books

Sarah Y. – textbooks

Sherry Z. – textbooks


Grade 9

Lennard J. – textbooks

Jinhyung L. – textbooks

Jinah P. – textbooks

Kim W. – textbooks

Edwin Z. – textbooks and library books

Eason Z. – library books


Grade 10

Eva C. – textbooks

Sunny G. – textbooks

Andy H. – textbooks

Junseong H. – textbooks

Helen J. – textbooks

Seongmin K. – textbooks

Jumin P. – textbooks

Alina W. – textbooks

Renyue Y. – textbooks

Alice Z. – textbooks

Claire Z. – textbooks


Grade 11 – email me if you need the textbooks and/or library materials for next year

Mayvelyn B. – library books

Anthony C. – library books and textbooks

Siha C. – textbooks

Wootaek H. – textbooks

Yun Jeong H. – textbooks

Gunho J. – textbooks

Maria P. – library books

MSUS Lunch today

MSUS students……

You need to be seated at 1.45 in the PAC for the Awards Assembly today. This means that you need to go to lunch straight away at 1.20, eat and then make your way over to the PAC. All bags should be in lockers.

G7 Climate Change Action Lunchtime today

After 1.30pm today some Grade 7 students will be taking action to raise awareness about climate change. Take a few minutes to go and see the powerful messages they have created in their Humanities classes outside the PAC and in the quad.


Grade 6 & 8 Life 101

Due to X-Fest yesterday, both 6B/C and 8B/C will meet for the last Life 101 today. You will only need to turn in your “Letters to Future Self” and then return to X-Block for your reflections. See you there.

Return those Textbooks and Library Books!

The following students need to return textbooks and/or library books ASAP:

Grade 6

Madox B. – textbooks

Alina D. – textbooks

Oscar F. – library books

Charlie G. – textbooks

Yannick L. – textbooks

Luis P. – textbooks

Max W. – textbooks

Shi Yu W. – textbooks

Han Z. – library books

Finn Z. – textbooks


Grade 7

Benno H. – textbooks

Zhi J. – textbooks

Hyemin P. – textbooks

Bangce Q. – textbooks

Byeongsoo S. – textbooks


Grade 8

Suyoung B. – textbooks

Oscar B. – textbooks

Jennifer C. – textbooks

Eric C. – textbooks

Jaemin K. – textbooks

Max S. – textbooks

Melissa W. – textbooks

Cici X. – library books

Sarah Y. – textbooks

Sherry Z. – textbooks


Grade 9

Lennard J. – textbooks

Yu Min J. – library books

Jinhyung L. – textbooks

Zhiyuan M. – library books

Jinah P. – textbooks

Kim W. – textbooks

Edwin Z. – textbooks and library books

Eason Z. – library books


Grade 10

Sunny B. – textbooks

Eva C. – textbooks

Sunny G. – textbooks

Lucy H. – textbooks

Andy H. – textbooks

Junseong H. – textbooks

Helen J. – textbooks

Seongmin K. – textbooks

Jumin P. – textbooks

Alina W. – textbooks

Renyue Y. – textbooks

Alice Z. – textbooks

Claire Z. – textbooks


Grade 11 – email me if you need the textbooks and/or library materials for next year

Mayvelyn B. – library books

Anthony C. – library books and textbooks

Siha C. – textbooks

Wootaek H. – textbooks

Gunho J. – textbooks

Maria P. – library books

Bob W. – textbooks


Gaming Room Closed

Dear Students,

The gaming room will be closed for the remainder of the school year. Take the opportunity to go outside, talk to your friends or go to the gym.

Enjoy your last game free days of the school year,

Mrs Clarke

YinYan Helpdesk rescheduled on this Friday

The Yinyan Travel Agent’s Help desk service at the Centre lobby will be rescheduled @9.30am~11.00am on Friday, 21 June 2019 due to school closure in the afternoon.If you have any bookings with Ms. Mary, please feel free to make an appointment with her via or call 13905173441 in advance.

Important Notice from Facility

Access to school during Summer Break 2019:

Due to the construction, access to school grounds and facilities beyond the ID card gate will be closed.


There will still be daily access (0530h to 2120h) to the Fitness Room Level 3 in the Center for NIS Community members. Please clear out all your belongings from the locker room as they will be thoroughly cleaned during the holidays.


Bike parking area:

The bicycle and motorbike parking area will be closed due to maintenance and construction over the summer. Any bicycles and motorbikes left in this area after the 22 June 2019 will be disposed of.

Please collect them before that date.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Facility Department

Product Design Announcement

Dear students, please be advised that any products left in the design centre after Wednesday 5pm will be repurposed or disposed of. This goes for Product Design pieces as well as XBlock projects. You have until then to collect your projects and take them home. We cannot be storing projects for you over the summer. Thank you

Wednesday Block 1 French 8, phase 1-2

Scavenger Hunt/GooseChase

Just a quick heads up that my grade 8 phase 1-2 class (8 students) will be on a “GooseChase” during block 1 on Wednesday. They will be roaming the school following questions and challenges set it French. They will use inside voices and they will walk when inside the buildings. They will not go into any classrooms. They will need to use their phones to complete the tasks but walking and texting is forbidden. There will be a fine of 500 points per team member for walking and texting.

Bonne Chance!

Ms Anna

xFest Tech Rehearsal

The following students are required to attend a tech rehearsal in the Black Box on June 18th during block 2:

Phoebe, Cici, Rachel, Reina, Oscar B, Jisook, Jiyou, Hyun, Jihyun, Jaemin, Yumin, Ethan, Darcy, Noa, Emily, Juno & Ruby. Please bring all equipment / supplies with you and be ready to perform.

Thank you,

Miss Keus

Clubs, Performing Arts, ASAs 2019-2020

We’ve already started planning for 2019-2020!


Which activities would you like to lead next year?  Help us prepare for the new year by expressing your interest in one of the surveys below:


MS/US Performing Arts:

Clubs and Service Experiences:


If you have any questions, please stop by the Activities Office.