If you have already signed up for score keeping, there will be a practice score keeping session Friday, Lunch 1, Blue gym. Please bring a pencil.
You can still sign up to help. Check out Veracross now.
If you have already signed up for score keeping, there will be a practice score keeping session Friday, Lunch 1, Blue gym. Please bring a pencil.
You can still sign up to help. Check out Veracross now.
Sign up Veracross for basketball score keeping or swim meet volunteer!
Only a few spots left.
If you would like to access the raw data from the Discovery China trips, please click here:
The primary Student Council is sponsoring a Pajama Day for primary students and teachers on Tuesday, December 10. Announcements will be made in classes and to parents through PTA, the weekly bulletin, and tv screens…this is just a heads-up for the primary teachers! It is a normal school day, just with the fun and coziness of wearing pajamas to school. Contact me with any questions!
Dear all,
Kasson will be the MOD on 30 Nov. 2019
Best wishes,
Dear Students,
Below is the schedule of exams which will be held next week. Students in G8 -11 will follow this schedule.
Students in G6 and 7 will have in class assessments as usual. Students in G12 do not have formal exams at this time.
If you have any questions ask your Advisor, Ms Ham or Mrs Clarke.
G8-11 Exam Week Schedule (UPDATED)
Make your choice for tomorrow afternoon, SL mathematics rockstars! Click this link, or scan the QR code below.
The survey closes today at 4pm.
The library will become a phone-free space during break and lunch through the month of December. Instead, flip through a book, chat face-to-face with a friend, or focus on your fractions. Freedom from phones!
From tolerance.org, these downloadable posters have inspirational messages for teachers and students:
Teachers in grades 2-5, please let your Student Council representative know we will have a Student Council meeting right after lunch (when they get dismissed) on Tuesday upstairs in the cafeteria mezzanine. I will also post a sign in the cafeteria to remind them. Thanks!
The library will be CLOSED Tuesday, November 26, after school so staff can attend a meeting.
If you haven’t, you’re in luck!
This Saturday, you can either score keep during the day or volunteer at the NIC Christmas Concert in the evening. We only have few spaces left:
Nov 30 – Basketball Scorekeeper
Nov 30 – NIC Christmas Concert
But if you are busy on the 30th,
Dec 7 and 8th are the last chances. Sign up to help at the swim meet.
If you have done the minimum, that’s good but we still need help. Your help is what makes our events a success! Consider doing more!
Grade 11s and 12s!!!!!!
Buy your ticket to the Formal Dinner and Dance at break time from Tuesday – Thursday this week in the Large Group Room. We need around 50 people to make this event happen!