Year: 2019

Helmet survey – Student Bulletin

G6-11 Helmet Survey

Hello. We are Katie and Suyoung from grade 8. For our CAS project, we are spreading awareness for bike and road safety. If you could help us out by taking this super-quick survey, that would be great. Survey closes Friday 29th March.


Sarah Merrylees

Middle School Teacher

March Media Mentor Month

Following on from the Weekly Bulletin post about March Media Mentor Month, here is today’s challenge:

While the original post was primarily for parents, teachers are also encouraged to try some of these with their students as well. Try and complete as many of the activities in the calendar as you can throughout the month of March and if you would like to share with our community, make sure to mention @nischinaorg (on Instagram) or @NISChina (on Twitter or Facebook) so we can follow your progress! Together we can mentor each other to be more mindful and purposeful users of technology!

The rest of the calendar can be found below:

Book sets for Lit Circles and/or Book Clubs

Did you know we have well over 50 different sets of chapter books (usually 5-6 per set) that teachers can check out to use in their classes for Lit Circles, reading groups, or book clubs? Where is this treasure trove, do you ask? Why, in the library Resource Room (the room behind my office). All are welcome to explore, be you PYP, MYP, or DP.


APA Referencing posters for your classroom

Here are 7 A4 posters with examples on how to cite (both in-text and as a reference) various sources. We have permission from USCSEA to use them. I’ve found them very useful for students to look at.

APA referencing BOOK-w089ai

APA referencing WEBSITE-1nl4khz

APA referencing VIDEO-2gum8a1

APA referencing PODCAST-15i2bi4

APA referencing NEWSPAPER-1nwqzd2

APA referencing JOURNAL ARTICLE – edited-1om9wgx

APA referencing IMAGE -v0ns7p

Helmet Survey

G6-11 Helmet Survey

Hello. We are Katie and Suyoung from grade 8. For our CAS project, we are spreading awareness for bike and road safety. If you could help us out by taking this super-quick survey, that would be great. Survey closes Friday 29th March.

CISSA Softball is here!!

Come and try a brand new sport at NIS!! We are offering CISSA Softball for the first time for Grades 5 – 8. Come and give it a go!! Mondays and Wednesdays 3.15 – 4.15pm on the field. Starts right after the break on Monday 8th April. Sign up on Veracross.

Roommate choice for DC12

Dear grade 12 students,

If you haven’t already, please take a minute to complete this short survey to indicate your roommate preference and other information to help us plan your Discover China trip in May.


The DC12 team

March Media Mentor Month

Following on from the Weekly Bulletin post about March Media Mentor Month, here is today’s challenge:

While the original post was primarily for parents, teachers are also encouraged to try some of these with their students as well. Try and complete as many of the activities in the calendar as you can throughout the month of March and if you would like to share with our community, make sure to mention @nischinaorg (on Instagram) or @NISChina (on Twitter or Facebook) so we can follow your progress! Together we can mentor each other to be more mindful and purposeful users of technology!

The rest of the calendar can be found below:

March Media Mentor Month

Following on from the Weekly Bulletin post about March Media Mentor Month, here is this weekend’s challenge:


While the original post was primarily for parents, teachers are also encouraged to try some of these with their students as well. Try and complete as many of the activities in the calendar as you can throughout the month of March and if you would like to share with our community, make sure to mention @nischinaorg (on Instagram) or @NISChina (on Twitter or Facebook) so we can follow your progress! Together we can mentor each other to be more mindful and purposeful users of technology!

The rest of the calendar can be found below: