Day: March 13, 2020

Remote Work Tips

Remote working is something that can be quite daunting and difficult to handle when first starting out, and even though we may be in the 6th week of doing it, there are some things that can always be tweaked to help us better manage our time – both in front of and away from the screen. Here are some short articles with tips that I found particularly useful (emphasis on self-care – shout-out to Sonya):

Remember to make time for yourselves! Stay healthy and stay strong!

All the best,

The NIS IT Department

IT-Help —> Just-in-time support

Credit: all of this Online Learning taking place, we sometimes get overwhelmed with all the different things we need to remember – how do I upload to OneDrive? What is O365? Wait, I have an email that isn’t made up of multiple, random, alphanumeric characters ending in

Please remember if you are having trouble accessing or dealing with any of these sorts of issues, you can contact us at our IT-Help email address. Go ahead, click on the link! It’s easy! Or if that is not your style, feel free to contact us through either of the following means as well:

NIS Website – MY NIS section

    • Yes, it can be hard to miss if you don’t scroll down, but I bet if you take a moment to look at the picture below, you’ll be able to see where to click (note: we’ve made the picture a link to the email address too just to “help” you out)

Veracross – IT-Help Button

    • Does it really need an explanation?

We are here to help you and together we shall get through this. We look forward to hearing from you and helping solve your IT issues.

All the best and stay strong!

The NIS IT Department