Take a Walk in Someone Else’s Shoes
Calling all parents, teachers, and students! Want to challenge yourself and learn about what life is like for other people at the same time? Try the Diverse Reads Reading Challenge, where you read up to 9 books written by or about a diverse range of people. I have copies of the flyer in the library if you’d like a hard copy.
Not sure where to start? Go the library homepage, click on “Catalog,” then click on “Resource Lists” on the left. Scroll down until you find the 8 “Diverse Reads” resource lists I’ve created that fit the categories. I’ve included books, ebooks, audiobooks, and non-English books. Not every book is in the list, of course, but it’s a place to start. Email me at angelaromero@nanjing-school.com with any questions!
Grade 10 Wellness: Block 4
Good morning, Grade 10.
We’ll meet in the LGR at the start of block 4 tomorrow. Please bring your (charged) laptops. Make sure your bags are in your lockers.
See you there.
Ms Ham
XBlock Today
Grades 6-8 its XBlock today. Yippee. Please move quickly and quietly to your locations at the end of break-time.
- Sports & Movement to the Gym
- Cooking to the Early Years kitchen
- Design, Tech & Art to the Design Centre
- Computing and Game Design to D247
- All other projects to the Design Centre
Don’t forget your laptop, pencil case and any resources you need. Remember that you MUST check in with your mentor. See you in Block 3.
Kitchen users must ensure that the kitchen is spotless with no trace left of their activity at the end of block 4.
Swim Lessons for Staff Only
Swim Lessons for staff will begin on next Wednesdays afternoon 4.30-5.00pm, September 9th.
We offer more seats now!
- Improving Skills and Swimming Strokes:Improves participants’ proficiency in basic aquatic skills and the basic swimming strokes. Teach skills and concepts needed to stay safe in and around water and to help themselves or others in an aquatic emergency. (American Red Cross, Adult Swim -Improving skills and swimming strokes – prerequisites: Participants must be able to perform strokes that can be recognized as front crawl, breaststroke and back crawl, each for 15m) – 2 seats left!
- Swimming for Fitness: Refines participants’ freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke strokes and turns and builds endurance. Teaches skills and concepts needed to stay safe in and around water. (American Red Cross, Adult Swimming for Fitness– prerequisites: Participants must be able to swim 25m for 3 different recognizable strokes) – 2 seats left!
- Learning the Basics: Helps participants gain basic aquatic skills and swimming strokes. Teaches skills and concepts needed to stay safe in and around water and to help themselves or others in an aquatic emergency. (American Red Cross , Adult Swim -Learning the Basics – no prerequisites) – 4 seats left!
Don’t forget to sign up for Community Actvities. Please check the newly updated Community Activities catalog on Veracross.
Community Catalog: https://programregistration.veracross.com/App/nis/ProgramRegistration/community/Programs/Browse
Community Activities Sign Up Link: https://programregistration.veracross.com/App/nis/ProgramRegistration/community/Landing/Auto
Your Community Activities Coordinator
Christine Ge
Join the biggest one-day civic action against waste in human history.
Join millions of volunteers in 180 countries to clean up the world in one day!
On Saturday September 19th, 9.30 am – 12 noon, we will clean up Xianlin! Sign up on Veracross at lunch today.
Health and Hygiene Reminders
Hello NIS Parents,
Please find the attached Health and Hygiene Education Slides that are being communicated to all students today. Thank you for your continued assistance in helping us maintain a safe and healthy campus.
As always, please send any questions my way.