Dear All,
Please find attached SLT meeting minutes of week 13 for your information.
As part of the build up to the Move-a-thon on November 6th, the Health and Wellness Service as Action group encourages you to take part in these two opportunities to improve your health and wellness.
Link for the Meditation Exercise
When: Today at lunch (1.10pm)
Where: the LGR
What to bring: yourselves, your lunch and questions you’d like to ask Alison Huang, the admissions officer from SCAD!
For who: Students in the Upper School, particularly Grades 11 and 12.
Good morning,
As with any event, helpers support and run the activity, so please see below the student names involved in running the Moveathon on Friday 6th November as part of the Action as Service group for ‘health and wellbeing’.
They as always will be expected to catch up on any work missed.
Saelyn and Fabian – Assembly – Block 4 (Both will be in class for Block 4)
Block 1 – Paige (8C), Grace (8A), Ludo (8B), Jaeyeong (6C), Jaehwan (6C), Hyeongjun (6C)
Block 2 – Jerry L (7A), Jiaming (7B), Kangjun (9C), JiSung (9B)
Block 3 – Bryce (7A), Seonghyun (7B), Chanho (7B), Lennon (10C), Max (10C), Pedro (10A)
Thank you in advance and look forward to seeing you all out there supporting the event.
Wear YOUR colours
Health and Wellbeing Team
We have two available gaps in Round 4 First Aid training. These are on Wednesdays 2nd and 9th December, 3.30pm – 5pm. If you would like to take one of these places, please go to the sign up sheet and put your name in. Sign up sheet is here: First aid sign up sheet
Come out and play basketball!
We need a few more girls to join the team. Come give it a try.
Practices are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4.20-6pm
First game is Nov. 12th at NIS.
Help Thomas with his CAS project!
Bring your lunch to D229 on Wednesday and Fridays and he’ll teach us how to play Mahjong! This is open to students in grade 8 and up and he also invites Staff to come learn as well.
Please sign up on Veracross.
We need 4 students to help keep score for a friendly basketball game.
Thursday, Nov 12th. 4.30-6pm
Veracross is open now!!!!
Dear all,
Since 9th of November, there will be no plastic bin bags in bins for all the classrooms and offices.
Please click on the Link for more information on the different types of waste classification. There will be additional information available throughout school.
Please click herefor Chinese Version.
Thank you for your support.
If you have further questions please contact :
Thank you to everyone for your valuable support of the Amy Yang fund. Here are the winning horses:
First: Twilight Payment
Second: Tiger Moth
Third: Prince of Arran
So our winners are:
Sweep One: Amanda (1st), Olivia (2nd), Katie (3rd)
Sweep Two: Kirke (1st), Gareth (2nd)
If you haven’t yet paid for your horses, please contact Suzy.
Thursday, Nov 12th. 4.30-6pm
We need 4 students to help keep score for a friendly basketball game.
Sign up on Veracross will open at 1pm.
If you are a boy in Grade 6 you need to come to the LGR for an important meeting with Mrs Clarke at lunchtime today (12.50).
See you later.
In D229, every Wednesday and Friday during Lunch 1 and 2, you can come learn to play Mahjong. Students in grade 8 and above, teachers and other faculty are all welcomed to join.
Students can sign up now on Veracross.
We’ll start Friday, Nov 6. Bring your lunch.
The US general election for president (and politics as a general rule) can be a tricky topic to discuss with students, difficult to navigate with adults as well without bias towards one side or another. Today we will be having the election results on the screens around the school for everyone to view primarily outside the library, the PAC, and the end of the MS/US and PS hallways. Additionally, I hope that you find the following resources useful should you want to engage with students in exploring this momentous occasion:
And here are some additional, more school-oriented resources:
Good luck!
The Student Council Student Voice and Choice committee want to hear from you about your ideas for creatively using spaces and places during lunch and breaktime.
Please complete the survey here and give us your feedback.
Attached is a file with the QR code for the survey. The survey will close on Monday, November 9.
Thank you,
Kari Beck, on behalf of the
Student Voice and Choice Committee
MS/US Student Council