Day: May 24, 2021

G10 International Food Festival this Thursday & Friday

Please support our G10 students by visiting the international food festival in the foyer in front of the library at break and lunch this Thursday & Friday. There will be a variety of delicious foods from around the world to try, all at reasonable prices.

ManageBac MONDAY

FRIDAY, May 28 at 4pm is the deadline for all students.

A reminder to students in grade 6-10:

A minimum of 1 Service as Action experience and 1 volunteering experience must be fully documented (description, reflection, evidence) on ManageBac.


Students in Grade 11:

A minimum of 2 experiences (with description, reflection, evidence), interview #2 and your CAS project (with proposal, description, reflection, evidence) must be uploaded on ManageBac.

Welcome back and here is your exam schedule!

Dear Students in Grade 8, 9 and 10,

Now that you are refreshed and relaxed after a week of Discovering China, we are preparing for the exams on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The exam schedule overview is attached. You will receive a grade level specific schedule with all the details in your email – please check! it is important that you ask your teachers for more information about the exams and why not attend Student Office Hours with them today for more support?