Day: June 11, 2021

Loaner Computers and Chargers (Students and Staff)

Please note that if you have borrowed a loaner computer or charger from the IT Department, we need it back by Wednesday, 16 June 2021 (unless you have made special arrangements for summer and signed the loaner responsibility contract). If we do not receive it by this date, we will be invoicing you for the full replacement cost of the laptop, charger or both as we will consider it no longer “loaned” but owned and need to replace it in our inventory. Please contact Ms. Olivia Wen to arrange for checking it back in with our office.

Thank you!

G10 Food Festival Raises 7764 RMB for Kiva

Thanks to the support of everyone in the NIS community, the G10 international food festival raised 7764 RMB for the Kiva charity. Another 680 RMB was also paid as interest to the NIS bank which loaned the start-up capital. Kiva helps small businesses around the world access micro-finance loans.

New Daily Timings in Secondary

Dear Secondary students,

If you are returning to NIS in August you will be entering ‘Secondary’ rather than Middle School or Upper School. With this change of name comes a change in the way our day will be arranged. Many of you have discussed this in your Wellness class but in case you haven’t, here is all the information you need to know to be at school on time next year:


Facility Notice – for Summer Holiday

Dear all, 

Because of renovation and maintenance works during this coming summer holiday, these areas below will be closed, and related facilities will be stopped running as well.  

Facilities Unavailable: 

  1. Main building: GYMs, EY area and 2F close. Main entrance of the building will be under construction. No Centralized AC system.  
  2. PAC building: Theatre and auditorium, 2F & 3F. No Centralized AC system. 
  3. The Centre: Centre Lobby, swimming pool close. Fitness room open after Jul 23rd (6:00am ~ 9:00pm). No hot water. 
  4. EY garden and Front lawn area will be closed due to construction. 

Access management: 

  1. School will be under closed management. only staff on duty and construction workers could access. Students, parents and others are not allowed to enter except approvals from management team.  
  2. Scheduled Visitors coming for business purposes must report in advance and register on the day of visit, and follow relevant visitor procedure and COVID Protection Measures such as health code/temperature check/Mask.
  3. Please refer to the below layout for access to the campus and arrangement of main construction areas. 

map of temporary access way and construction area

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. 

Facility Team