Year: 2021

Autumn MAP Schedule

Please find our Autumn 2021 MAP testing schedule here for Grades 3-10. These will begin Monday, October 18th. Primary testing will take place in homerooms. Secondary testing will happen on the third floor of the Centre (18th-22nd) and in the LGR (25th-29th). Proctor refresher sessions for Primary teachers will happen later this week and the schedule will be shared with Secondary students on Wednesday. The MAP accommodations lists is being finalized and information has been shared with parents in last week’s and this week’s Weekly Bulletin. Please let Kasson know what additional questions are out there. Many thanks!

Library Use at Lunch

Hello Secondary Learners,

A few important points about Library use at lunchtime:

  1. The library is a space for quiet study, reading, and small group work.
  2. Please be considerate of other students and teachers in this space.
  3. You can also access the mezzanine (2nd floor) of the Cafeteria during Lunch Two to hangout.
  4. Outside and the gym are also spaces you can be for louder activities 🙂

Please see Ms. Romero with any questions. Thanks for helping us make the library a nice space for all!

New Host Country Colleagues on Board

Let’s welcome two new host country colleagues on board today!

Ms. Chris YU 余姝: Learning Assistant

Ms. Celine ZHANG 张瑜: Swimming Instructor

The Wizard of Oz Cast Meeting Today

A reminder to all cast members of The Wizard of Oz to check your rehearsal schedule. We have a Whole Cast Meeting today after school. Black Box. 3:15.


ASW Monday and Wednesday!

The After School Workspace is open on Monday and Wednesday this week in Learning Support (C142).

All grade 6 to 12 students are invited to attend. Students can find a quiet place to work, work on group projects, or ask for help if they need it.

See you there!

Facility Notice

Dear all,

Maintenance and testing of Lockdown System again on Oct 8th, Friday, 8:00pm~12:00pm.

Please ignore the flickering blue lights during the period.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Facility Team

🔔🔔🔔Latest risk level alert(September 29 ) and official link for query of risk level🔔🔔🔔

By September 29, there were high-risk areas, 43 medium-risk areas.
High Risk Area(3)
Haerbin city, Heilongjiang Province (1)
Forestry bureau area, Xinglong Town
Putian City, Fujian Province (1)
Fengting Town, Xianyou County
Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Xinmin Town, Tongan District
Medium Risk Area (43)
Haerbin city, Heilongjiang Province (12)
Aida 88 compound, Nangang district
Wandaxiuyuan compound, Songbei district
Phase 4, Tuosikana compound, Songbei district
Haopengshiji compound, Bayan county
Henglong Huayuan compound, Bayan county
Zhongxingjiayuan compound, Bayan county
Shenglongguoji compound, Bayan county
Minsheng village, Songhuajiang, Bayan county
Jinyuanjiayuan Compound, Bayan town, Bayan county
Yuehexincheng, compound, Bayan county
Yangguangmingyuan compound, Xinglong Town, Bayan county
Xiangjiangshuian compound, Mulan county
Suihua city, Heilongjiang Province (1)
Xingangwan compound, Beilin district
Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (2)
Renan community, Zhonghua Subdistrict 
Fumanjiayuan compound, Housing community, Kaiyuan Subdistrict 
Haicang District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Shuiyunwan compound, Songyu  subdistrict
Huli District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Caihong huayuan compound, Luling community, Jiangtou subdistrict
Tongan District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (7)
Guantianyangyili, Xike Town;
Biyue village, Datong subdistrict;
Fenggang community, Xiangping subdistrcit;
Guzhuangdingbufangli, Datong subdistrict;
Yangzhai community, Xiangping subdistrict;
Shanpingli, Xihu community, Xiangping subdistrict;
Meianli, Butang village, Wuxian town
Xiuyu County, Putian City, Fujian Province (4)
To Huxiroad in the east, to beipu road in the west, to xingxiu road in the south, to Daying road in the north,Hushi Town
To Dazhong road in the south, to unnamed road in the north, to ligand road in the west, to unnamed road in the east,Hushi Town
To ligang street in the east, to Xiujiao road in the west, to Dongzhenshuiqu in the south,Hushi Town
Rongfuyipin compound,Hushi Town
Xianyou County, Putian City, Fujian Province (10)
Xiangling Village, Laidian Town;
Baokeng village, Jiaowei Town;
Yuanzhuang middle school;
Xianzhu village, Duwei Town;
Fenglin village, Yuanzhuang Town;
Yuanzhuang community, Yuanzhuang Town;
Shanghu village, Fengting town;
Cangxi village, Fengting town;
Jinhu village, Fengting town;
Shantou village, Fengting town;
Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (2)
Jiulin Village, Jieshan Town;
Dingfu natural village, Jieshan village, Jieshan Town
Anxi County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
Changxin village, Longjuan
Jinjiang, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
No.145-149, 213, 230-232, Heping north road, Sucuo village, Chendi town
Taiwanese investment zones, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
Longfu Community
Overseas (except Macao) are still all high-risk areas.
Official Link:




黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 巴彦县 (1): 兴隆镇兴隆林业局有限公司街道办事处全域


黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 南岗区(1):爱达88小区

黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 松北区(2):万达秀园小区;地恒托斯卡纳小区4期

黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 巴彦县 (8): 兴隆镇浩鹏世纪花园小区;恒隆花园小区;巴彦镇中兴家园小区;巴彦镇盛隆国际小区;松花江乡民胜村;巴彦镇金源嘉园小区;悦和新城小区;兴隆镇阳光名苑小区

黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 木兰县(1):木兰镇香江水岸小区

黑龙江省 绥化市 北林区(1):鑫港湾小区

福建省 厦门市 海沧区 (1): 嵩屿街道水云湾小区

福建省 厦门市 思明区( 2): 中华街道仁安社区部分区域;开元街道后江社区福满家园小区

福建省 厦门市 湖里区 (1):  江头街道吕岭社区彩虹花园小区

福建省 厦门市 同安区(7):西柯镇官田洋一里;大同街道碧岳村;大同街道古庄顶布房里;祥平街道凤岗社区;祥平街道阳翟社区;祥平街道西湖社区山坪里;五显镇布塘村美安里

福建省 莆田市 秀屿区(4): 笏石镇笏西路以东,北埔路以西,兴秀路以南,大营路以北的区域内; 以笏石镇阳光幼儿园为中心,南至大众路,北至70米外无名路,西至荔港大道,东至160米外无名路范围内;笏石镇荔港大道(笏石段)以东,秀郊路以西,东圳水渠以南区域内;笏石镇荣府一品小区


福建省 泉州市 安溪县 (1): 龙涓乡长新村

福建省 泉州市 晋江市 (1): 陈埭镇苏厝村和平北路145-149号、213号、230-232号


福建省 漳州市 台商投资区(1):福龙社区


Student Health and Travel Form

Hello Students,

Today you will receive a Health and Travel form. Please take this home. You will need it completed and signed by a parent/guardian to return to campus on Monday, October 11th. Have a great last-day-before-the-holiday!

Student Forms Home Today

Hello Primary Homeroom and Secondary Advisory Teachers,

Please remember to send home the student health and travel forms today.

They are in your mailboxes (unless you’ve already grabbed them 🙂

Many thanks!

Facility Notice – for Oct holiday

Dear all,

During Oct holiday,

  • No Centralized AC system in Main Building. 
  • Fitness room will be closed from Oct.1st to Oct.5th
  • Maintenance and testing of Lockdown System on  Oct 6th 8:00am~12:00pm. Please ignore the flickering blue lights during the period.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Facility Team

🔔🔔🔔Latest risk level alert(September 28 ) and official link for query of risk level🔔🔔🔔

By September 28, there were high-risk areas, 38 medium-risk areas.
High Risk Area(3)
Haerbin city, Heilongjiang Province (1)
Forestry bureau area, Xinglong Town
Putian City, Fujian Province (1)
Fengting Town, Xianyou County
Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Xinmin Town, Tongan District
Medium Risk Area (38)
Haerbin city, Heilongjiang Province (7)
Aida 88 compound, Nangang district
Wandaxiuyuan compound, Songbei district
Haopengshiji compound, Bayan county
Zhongxingjiayuan compound, Bayan county
Shenglongguoji compound, Bayan county
Henglong Huayuan compound, Bayan county
Xiangjiangshuian compound, Mulan county
Suihua city, Heilongjiang Province (1)
Xingangwan compound, Beilin district
Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (2)
Renan community, Zhonghua Subdistrict 
Fumanjiayuan compound, Housing community, Kaiyuan Subdistrict 
Haicang District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Shuiyunwan compound, Songyu  subdistrict
Huli District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (1)
Caihong huayuan compound, Luling community, Jiangtou subdistrict
Tongan District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province (7)
Guantianyangyili, Xike Town;
Biyue village, Datong subdistrict;
Fenggang community, Xiangping subdistrcit;
Guzhuangdingbufangli, Datong subdistrict;
Yangzhai community, Xiangping subdistrict;
Shanpingli, Xihu community, Xiangping subdistrict;
Meianli, Butang village, Wuxian town
Xiuyu County, Putian City, Fujian Province (4)
To Huxiroad in the east, to beipu road in the west, to xingxiu road in the south, to Daying road in the north,Hushi Town
To Dazhong road in the south, to unnamed road in the north, to ligand road in the west, to unnamed road in the east,Hushi Town
To ligang street in the east, to Xiujiao road in the west, to Dongzhenshuiqu in the south,Hushi Town
Rongfuyipin compound,Hushi Town
Xianyou County, Putian City, Fujian Province (10)
Xiangling Village, Laidian Town;
Baokeng village, Jiaowei Town;
Yuanzhuang middle school;
Xianzhu village, Duwei Town;
Fenglin village, Yuanzhuang Town;
Yuanzhuang community, Yuanzhuang Town;
Shanghu village, Fengting town;
Cangxi village, Fengting town;
Jinhu village, Fengting town;
Shantou village, Fengting town;
Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (2)
Jiulin Village, Jieshan Town;
Dingfu natural village, Jieshan village, Jieshan Town
Anxi County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
Changxin village, Longjuan
Jinjiang, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
No.145-149, 213, 230-232, Heping north road, Sucuo village, Chendi town
Taiwanese investment zones, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province (1)
Longfu Community
Overseas (except Macao) are still all high-risk areas.
Official Link:




黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 巴彦县 (1): 兴隆镇兴隆林业局有限公司街道办事处全域


黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 南岗区(1):爱达88小区

黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 松北区(1):万达秀园小区

黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 巴彦县 (4): 兴隆镇浩鹏世纪花园小区;恒隆花园小区;巴彦镇中兴家园小区;巴彦镇盛隆国际小区

黑龙江省 哈尔滨市 木兰县(1):木兰镇香江水岸小区

黑龙江省 绥化市 北林区(1):鑫港湾小区

福建省 厦门市 海沧区 (1): 嵩屿街道水云湾小区

福建省 厦门市 思明区( 2): 中华街道仁安社区部分区域;开元街道后江社区福满家园小区

福建省 厦门市 湖里区 (1):  江头街道吕岭社区彩虹花园小区

福建省 厦门市 同安区(7):西柯镇官田洋一里;大同街道碧岳村;大同街道古庄顶布房里;祥平街道凤岗社区;祥平街道阳翟社区;祥平街道西湖社区山坪里;五显镇布塘村美安里

福建省 莆田市 秀屿区(4): 笏石镇笏西路以东,北埔路以西,兴秀路以南,大营路以北的区域内; 以笏石镇阳光幼儿园为中心,南至大众路,北至70米外无名路,西至荔港大道,东至160米外无名路范围内;笏石镇荔港大道(笏石段)以东,秀郊路以西,东圳水渠以南区域内;笏石镇荣府一品小区


福建省 泉州市 安溪县 (1): 龙涓乡长新村

福建省 泉州市 晋江市 (1): 陈埭镇苏厝村和平北路145-149号、213号、230-232号


福建省 漳州市 台商投资区(1):福龙社区


CMB Notice

CMB Qixia Branch will CLOSE on October 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and OPEN on October 5, 2021 during National Holiday.