Today we will test 25% of students between 8:30-9:30am in the PAC Foyer. All staff are also welcome to test at this time.
No Primary students are scheduled for NATs today.
Grades 10-12 will test at 9:00am
Many thanks.
Today we will test 25% of students between 8:30-9:30am in the PAC Foyer. All staff are also welcome to test at this time.
No Primary students are scheduled for NATs today.
Grades 10-12 will test at 9:00am
Many thanks.
Self-study committees will meet today to wrap up CIS ratings and complete CIS-to-IB “crosswalks.” Please plan to meet with your committees from 2:45pm in the location decided by your group. Many thanks for your efforts in our final self study domain committee sessions of Semester One!
It is a busy application season for our current NIS seniors, and NIS upper secondary counseling team organized another exciting university talk with the HKU admission officer.
Please mark your calendar to attend the information session and bring along as many questions as you have in your mind.
Gr9 – 12, Tuesdays and Thursdays 4.20 – 6pm. Sign up on SchoolsBuddy. All levels of experience welcome
Secondary MAP testing will resume from Monday, November 14th. The updated schedule will be published this Thursday. Many thanks!
All students and staff are scheduled for NAT testing today in the PAC Foyer. Please see the schedule below. Many thanks!
8:30-8:35 | PKK1 |
8:35-8:40 | G2 |
8:40-8:45 | G3 |
8:45-8:50 | K2 |
8:50-8:55 | G5 |
9:00-9:05 | Gr.6-12 |
9:05-9:10 | Gr.6-12 |
9:10-9:15 | Gr.6-12 |
9:15-9:20 | Gr.6-12 |
9:20-9:25 | G1 |
9:55-10:00 | G4 |
11:30am-12:30pm – Operations and Finance
12:00-1:00pm – Faculty*
*As always, timings are flexible based on your teaching schedule.
Dear all,
Monthly Equipment Testing of Fire-fighting & Lockdown System on this coming Sunday (Nov 6th) 8:00am~4:00pm. Please ignore the broadcasting, the alarming bell and the flickering blue lights during the period.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Facility Team
Lunch will be provided in the cafeteria today and tomorrow at the usual timings. Bon appetite!
NAT testing will take place in the PAC Foyer between 9:00-10:00am today and tomorrow.
Many thanks.
Slingshot Challenge
The 2023 ACAMIS Virtual Student Film Festival is an opportunity for student filmmakers in ACAMIS member schools to write, produce, film, edit, and submit their own student films. It’s a chance for young auteurs to be creative, demonstrate their cinematic skills/knowledge, and showcase their creations virtually to teachers and students all over China and Mongolia.
The theme of this year’s Virtual Film Festival is A Trailer for a proposed/non-existent movie.
For questions or more information please contact Scott Ramon at
You could use this experience as a part of your GCD story or for the Artistic strand if you are in Grade 11 or 12!