Year: 2022

Secondary Student Council – Presidential Candidates

Secondary Student Council – Apply to run for Student Council President!


If you are interested in running for Student Council president, please fill out the form in the link below to apply for candidacy.

Please be reminded of the following requirements:

  • To run for office, you need to partner up with someone.
  • Both candidates should be in Grade 10 or higher, and at least one must have served in the Student Council in the last 2 years or less.

Thank you!

Kari Beck (on behalf of Secondary Student Council)

G10-12 NAT Testing Today

Hello Grade 10-12 Students,

Mandatory NAT testing for G10-12 students is happening today between 8:30-9:30am in the PAC Foyer. Teachers of these classes are aware. Please see the timings below:

8:30am G12 BM, Econ, History

8:45am G11 Maths

9:15am G10 PE/Hum


Evacuation Drill Today

A reminder that we will have an evacuation drill today between 9:55-10:00am.

  • When you hear the alarm, please exit the building quietly at the nearest exit and with a quick walk. Evacuation routes are labeled in each learning space. Please leave belongings behind.
  • Please gather quietly with your homeroom or study group (ABC) at the labeled location on the running track.
  • Please wait quietly until given the all-clear.
  • More details are available in the “classroom notice” in each learning space.

Many thanks for your cooperation!



Staff NAT Testing this Week

Hello Colleagues,

Current requirements are that all staff members receive at least one NAT test per week. NAT testing will be offered daily from 8:30-9:30am in the PAC Foyer. Please feel free to drop in during any of these timings. Community and/or clinic tests also count as our weekly test.

Please let Kasson know if you have an questions.

Many thanks!

Auditions will be held on September 7th during lunch (12:30 – 13:00) and September 8th after school (15:15 – 15:45). Audition scripts are available from Mrs. Philip or Mr. Brown in the Black Box (which is beside the theatre). If you’d like to audition for one of the singers, you may send a video of you singing your favourite song to Ms. Keus ( and Ms. Merrylees ( This production is for secondary students only; the primary production is next semester.

Break a leg everyone!

End-of-Summer Music Showcase


Hey! Check out our school performances from last semester!

  • soloists
  • lower primary choir
  • upper primary choir
  • AMIS ES honour choir
  • secondary choir
  • ukulele club
  • guitar club
  • concert band; and
  • advanced orchestra

Secondary Student Council – Presidential Candidates

Secondary Student Council – Apply to run for Student Council President!


If you are interested in running for Student Council president, please fill out the form in the link below to apply for candidacy.

Please be reminded of the following requirements:

  • To run for office, you need to partner up with someone.
  • Both candidates should be in Grade 10 or higher, and at least one must have served in the Student Council in the last 2 years or less.

Thank you!

Kari Beck (on behalf of Secondary Student Council)

NIS Mission Statement Frame

Dear All,

If you would like to have a NIS Mission Statement Frame in your classroom and hans’t sent request email to me, please feel free to let me know via with your room number and the language you preferred. The deadline for collecting request is this Tuesday, September 6 @4pm. Thank you!

Secondary Student Council – Presidential Candidates

Secondary Student Council – Apply to run for Student Council president

If you are interested in running for Student Council president, please fill out the form in the link below to apply for candidacy.

Please be reminded of the following requirements:

  • To run for office, you need to partner up with someone.
  • Both candidates should be in Grade 10 or higher, and at least one must have served in the Student Council in the last 2 years or less.

Thank you!

Kari Beck (on behalf of Secondary Student Council)

Secondary Production Auditions!!

We are extremely excited to announce that this year’s Secondary School production will be Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’…we have (as usual) some very ambitious plans for this production – you definitely want to be part of it!

Auditions are open to all Secondary School students (G6-G12). We will be advertising more details in the Friday’s assembly!

See Mr Brown and Ms Philip for more details.

Facility Notice

Dear all,

Monthly Equipment Testing of Evacuation and Lockdown System on this coming Saturday (Sep 3rd) 8:00pm~4:00pm.

Please ignore the alarming bell, broadcasting and the flickering blue lights during the period.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Facility Team

GOA, ISS, and CIS: Three Sources of Professional Learning

Global Online Academy: A reminder that NIS is a member of GOA, which means all staff have access to GOA Professional Learning Courses for free! We have had about 200 courses taken over the past 2.5 years. They are generally asynchronous, well-curated, and model excellent virtual teaching and learning. Upcoming courses include visual design for educators, reinventing rubrics, and more. This in in addition to a range of self-paced options. Click to here to explore and sign-up directly.

ISS Passport: This is a new approach to professional learning from International School Services. For about 3,500 RMB you get access to 25+ courses, 50+ webinars, and more. If this is something you are interested in, please see Ruth, Jacqui, or Kasson.

CIS Workshops: The Council of International Schools (of which we are accredited) runs workshops throughout the year on a range of important topics. Upcoming workshops include anti-racism, global citizenship, guidance, admissions, mental health and wellbeing, and child protection. If you are interest in any of these, please see Ruth, Jacqui, or Kasson.