Year: 2023

Sports Equipment Use – Lunchtime Badminton



Dear Secondary School Student Community,

The PE department fully supports your quest to be active in the gym at lunchtimes using our shared equipment. Unfortunately some/many of you are unable to respect and take care of our shared equipment.

There will be NO badminton equipment used until a solution from the students (who use the equipment) can be found to ensure respect and care is taken towards our equipment.

Please check the photo’s for evidence.

Come and see Mr Dutton if you have any ideas on how YOU can do this? (Might even be a service learning opportunity)

Facility Notice

Dear all,

Monthly Equipment Testing of Fire-fighting & Lockdown System on this coming Sunday (Feb 5th)  8:00am~4:00pm.
Please ignore the broadcasting, the alarming bell and the flickering blue lights during the period.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Facility Team

ISA Writing and Google Chrome

Hello Grade 5-10 authors,

In preparation for your upcoming ISA writing assessments could you please ensure your Google Chrome browser is up-to-date? Please follow this short instructional video for assistance.

These ISA assessments will happen in your homeroom (Primary) and regular English classes (Secondary) over two periods/blocks. Please see the schedule here.

Many thanks!

Mr. Bratton

Personal Project Supervisors

There will be a Personal Project report marking session for new supervisors (or any supervisors interested in a refresher) today at 3:15 in D220. We will focus on giving feedback to students on their drafts.

Leadership Opportunities for Grades 9-11

A few groups are recruiting new members:

  • NISSAC -NIS Student Activities Committee – Contact Yerin (G11)
  • GCD Steering Committee – Contact Sofia (G11)
  • NISSCB – NIS Student Community Bank – Contact Rachel (G11)
  • ACCORD Magazine – Contact FayFay (G12)

These experiences not only count for volunteering but could also be used for your GCD stories (Leadership, Management, Community Engagement, Multilingualism, Artistic Expression, Personal Goal, and Public Communication to name a few).

These experiences could also be critical to your university applications. Show us who you are outside of the classroom, and showcase your leadership skills and community involvement.

Join NOW! Get involved NOW!

Don’t wait until S1 of Grade 12.

UDL Micro and Macro Courses

Want to know more about creating equitable and accessible learning environments following on from yesterday’s session?

UDL expert (and all around outstanding human being) Dr. Katie Novak has designed a cool UDL Now Intro Course. It’s asynchronous and you can choose between micro and full commitments (10 or 30 hours).

Already down the UDL path? Novak Education offers a range of self-directed courses to support your journey.

These courses are eligible for support from our NIS professional learning allowance.  Simply complete this form to get registered. See you in the universe!

Leadership Opportunites for students in Grades 9-11

A few groups are recruiting new members:

  • NISSAC -NIS Student Activities Committee – Contact Yerin (G11)
  • GCD Steering Committee – Contact Sofia (G11)
  • NISSCB – NIS Student Community Bank – Contact Rachel (G11)
  • ACCORD Magazine – Contact FayFay (G12)

These experiences not only count for volunteering but could also be used for your GCD stories (Leadership, Management, Community Engagement, Multilingualism, Artistic Expression, Personal Goal, and Public Communication to name a few).

These experiences could also be critical to your university applications. Show us who you are outside of the classroom, and showcase your leadership skills and community involvement.

Join NOW! Get involved NOW!

Don’t wait until S1 of Grade 12.




How to support student’s thinking processes

These are strategies targeted to Tier 1 students. Ways to offer UNIVERSAL support in your classroom.

Provide different choices to your students this semester.

Welcome Back!

From the LS team

Parkinson’s Walkathon

The Walkathon held before the break was a great time for us to raise awareness on Parkinson’s disease. 

From the Walkathon, a total of 2560 RMB was raised, and will be donated to the Michael J Fox foundation. 

Thank you everyone for all the participation! 

From Haju Oh and the Walkathon Service Group