Category: Staff

Sign up for supervising WEW

Dear Secondary teachers,

Please use this link to sign up for supervising Grade 10 students during WEW. If you teach G10, please sign up for at least one student. If you teach G10 and G12, please sign up for two. I will assign any left over students at the end of the day.

For each student you choose, you will send them a daily message checking in on their work placement. It can be in response to their daily reflection, following up any missed reflections, asking questions about successes, goals and struggles, giving advice etc. These messages will all be done on ManageBac. Specific details to follow.

I have asked many of you to be on the site visit teams. If I haven’t asked you yet, but you would like to be (you need to have at least a morning or an afternoon free of classes so we don’t create cover), please let me know!


Reminder: July Payday 2024/07/25

This is a reminder of the payday schedule posted on 2023/08/23, July salary will be paid on July 25 for all returning staff, which is in line with the monthly tax cycle.

Reading Intevention Student List – meeting during advisory

Good morning all,

Please send the following students to the LGR at the beginning of advisory today. From 4-14 June, the Grade 6-7 students on the list will miss B2 and the Grade 8-10 students will miss B3. Please let me or Kelly know if there are any issues or if a student needs to attend class on one of those days. Thank you! Sara

Audrey Jiang
Jaein Jung
Hyewon Moon
Junho Park
Brian Park
Olivia Zhang
Juwon Byun
Eungyeol Kim
Jinwoo Kim
Kunwoo Moon
Denis Uh
Claire Ye
Qiwei Wang
Sky Wang
Eun Seo Heo
Jihwa Kim
Keonwoo Park
Emily Lyu
Mike (Zheng) Xu
Ann Peng
Hyobin Jeong
Woohyun Hwang
Juheon Lee
Jason Park
Cary Qin
Jia Jia Sun


MAP and ISA results sent to parents

Dear all,

The spring MAP and ISA results have been sent to parents. Please be aware that you may receive questions from parents on student results.

Thank you and happy Friday!

Sara and Jacqui

Green Gym Pick-Up

Primary students who normally get picked up in the Green Gym should meet their parents in the PE classroom at the back of the gym today.

EY-G1 students attending the Scavenger Hunt will meet their parents in the gym at 3pm (a list of these students has been emailed to teachers)

Facility Notice

Dear all,
Please be well noticed that from May 27th to Mar31st, HUB fire fighting system testing will be carried out after 4pm every day. And due to the electricity system testing and fire-fighting civil construction, main building power will be off from 0700h to 2100h on Saturday (June 1st) and Sunday (June 2nd), there will be no lighting and air-conditioning. During this period, the school will implement closed management.

Thanks for your attention.
Facility Department

Lunch Byte AI Updates

We will be having Lunch Bytes this week focusing on the most recent updates to Open AI’s Chat GPT 4 Omni.  Come and see some of the new capabilities, see a live demo.  It is hoped that this will spark some conversation about the future these updates will have on education.  Please come to D243 at the following dates and times.

Tues 28th at 12:00-12:30

Thurs 30th at 12:30-1:00

Hope to see you there!

Facility Notice

Dear all,
Please be well noticed that from May 27th to Mar31st, HUB fire fighting system testing will be carried out after 4pm every day.

Thanks for your attention.
Facility Department