Category: Student

Orchestra Student – Awards


Combined orchestra students in grades 3 – 12 (grad!) are needed in the PAC at the following times:

Break 1: Tech Rehearsal with Sam & Keenan

1 p.m.: Warm-up, Tuning & Run-through

1:45 p.m.: Awards Assembly

Please note that the farthest first two rows of the PAC are reserved for combined orchestra students. There are 36 of them and 34 chairs available, so we will need every available seat. Thank you!

NIS Art Sale – 2 Days Left! All proceeds to charities!

Our first day of NIS Art Sale was a huge success! We have collected 980RMB from the sale already. All proceeds from the sale will be divided and donated to the 4 charities that NIS supports.

If you have not yet visited the NIS Art Sale, please come tomorrow, Wednesday and/or Thursday (June 8-9) at Design Center during lunch time (12-1PM)!

New artworks will be on display so it is worth coming to visit a 2nd time.

The NIS Art Sale is organized by the awesome DP art students in G11 (in alphabetical order): Cici, Fay-Fay, Jihyun, Luna, Seohyeon, Sherry, Sophia. We would like to thank the following patrons for their support today: Ms. Sonya, Ms. Klyuk, Mr. Bratton, Mr. Shean, Mrs. Hornell, Ms. Maier, Jimmy, and Hansol.


Handmade Bags for Pfrang

On Wednesday 8th June at break and lunchtime and Thursday 9th June at break, we will be selling handmade bags that we made during our after school sewing activity. All the money raised will be donated to Pfrang. Please come along and buy your favourite bag and support this fantastic charity.

Thank you

G3, G4 & G5 Sewing Group


HOUSE Basketball is BACK! Tuesday 7th June – Wednesday 8th June (3 LUNCHTIMES of ACTION!)

5v5 basketball house tournament for all students from grade 9 and up during lunch time on June 6,7,8th (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in the last week of school)
To participate in the tournament, please complete the survey, more Information about the house event are in survey below:
Thanks on Behalf of Leon (Grade 11)

NIS Art Sale! For a great cause!

On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (June 7-9) there will be an art sale arranged at Design Center during lunch time! The money spent on these artworks will ALL be donated to the 4 charities that our school support! One piece of artwork will help a family! Come and buy your favorite artwork to decorate your room! First come first serve~



Some artworks are on display in front of the library:



NIS Art Sale is organized by the awesome DP art students in G11 (in alphabetical order): Cici, Fay-Fay, Jihyun, Luna, Seohyeon, Sherry, Sophia

All-Secondary NAT Testing Today

All students in Grades 6-11 are scheduled for NAT testing today in the Centre Café.

G7: 8:40am (B1)

G9: 8:55 am (B1)

G11: 9:15am (B2)

G6: 9:30am (B2)

G8: 9:45am (B2)

G10: 10:00am (B2)

Please be on-time for your NAT testing slot. Thanks!

Important Message from the IT Department

Free illustrations of Important

As the school year comes to a close we would like to make you aware of a few things:

  • Loaners will not be available to borrow this week starting today, Monday, the 6th of June
  • If you have anything checked out to you, please return it by Thursday, the 9th of June
  • If borrowed devices are not returned, we will charge your account for the missing item/s

Items borrowed need to be returned to the IT Office.  If you have any questions please let us know.

Have a great week!

The IT Support Team!

Artist Showcase: Nikita Druzhinin (G8)

Please stop by Nikita’s personal art exhibition in front of the library (foyer area) any time during school hours (on show now until next week)!



Nikita Druzhinin / G8 /2022


In this exhibition I am displaying my oil paintings. There are some new and some old ones. My style of painting changes dramatically each time I start painting, especially If I take a break from it. This time I took a long break from oil until a documentary about Francis bacon gave me the push to take the brush once again. I don’t have really have anything to say about my art. My style changes all the time and I don’t have one sort of “trade mark” style. I am still in the stage of doing weird things until I understand what is given to me. However, I call myself an impressionist because I can’t have a clear image in my head of anything, it’s always just a stain of colors and sounds, an impression, be it a person’s face or a city. I decided to call this exhibition, “Vienna” in the end, for reasons I can’t really explain, I just miss my home.


G5 Secondary Experience Today

Hello Everyone,

A reminder that Grade 5 students will have their first experience in Secondary school today. Grade 6 will be off schedule for Blocks 1 and 2 and Grade 5 students will accompany their grade 6 buddies upstairs after break.

A clap through the Secondary hallways to welcome the new Grade 5 students takes place at about 1:45 pm.

Thanks, Ruth

Parents – you can also borrow up to 10 library books over summer break


We have figured out a way for you to also borrow up to 10 books over summer break! Follow the instructions to place your books on hold. We will check your books out to you and place them in the Centre foyer for pickup. Pickup will be from 9:00-14:00 June 6, 7, and 8. Please contact Mrs. Romero at with questions.

How to place a library book on hold – for parents

Parents – Sign your kids up for summer book borrowing

Parents can give permission for their child(ren) to borrow up to 10 library books over the summer break. Students must be returning to NIS in August and staying within China over summer break to borrow books. Parents only need to sign up their child(ren) one time! This information has also been posted in the NIS Activities WeChat and the Unofficial Parents Group WeChat.  Summer borrowing for students will take place June 6, 7, and 8.