Category: Student

ASW Monday and Wednesday!

The After School Workspace is open Monday and Wednesday this week in the Learning Support Area (C142) from 3-4:15. ALL grade 6-12 students are invited to attend. Work on assignments and projects, study for assessments, or ask for help if you need it.

See you there!

Primary House event this Friday

The first house event for school year 2021 is coming soon.

Please wear your house T-shirt for the coming Friday!

Are you ready to pull?

Wearing your house shirts can earn extra points !!

Quiet Friday Lunch in the Library

Since we have primary library classes when secondary students are relaxing during lunch on Fridays, please take your conversations either upstairs to the cafeteria or outside. Continue to study, work on homework, or read in the library. Thanks!

Volunteering Experience at the Shangri-La Hotel

On Saturday, September 25th, volunteers are needed to run children’s games and do face painting.

This is an OFF-CAMPUS volunteering opportunity – at the Shangri-La Hotel.

Sign up on Veracross.

10 brilliant face paint kits to encourage kids' self-expression

Looking for 12 students in grades 6-8 to run activities for the small children.
12 noon – 4 pm
No food or transport provided.

Contact Mr Romero for additional information.

Looking for 6 students in grades 9-11 to run do face painting.
12 noon – 2 pm or 2 pm to 4 pm
No food or transport provided.
Contact Mr Romero for additional information.

Volunteering Experience Grade 6-10 – One Letter, One Smile.

Each semester, students in grade 6-10 are required to complete at least one volunteering experience.

Join this letter writing club – One letter, One smile at a time

Sign up on Veracross after 1pm today.

Together we will write letters to elderly people in care homes in the Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain or Germany. These elderly people are lonely and due to Covid-19, some have not had any visitors. Your letter, your words can brightened their day! Your letter can be in English, French, German, Spanish, or Dutch.

Write a letter and bring back their smile with words.

Starts Monday, October 11

Meet in D229.


Lunch 2

G11 and 12 students, do you want a quiet place to study?

G11 and 12 students; are you looking for a quiet place to study?

  • Perhaps the lounge is too loud
  • Perhaps the large group room has a class

The answer is the Library.  Have you tried the new single study cubicles? Located at the back where it is quiet, these could be the perfect solution. Give them a go!

House event this Friday

The first house event for school year 2021 is coming soon.

Please wear your house T-shirt for the coming Friday!

Are you ready to pull?

Wearing your house shirts can earn extra points !!

Wizard of Oz Auditions Today

The singing audition for The Wizard of Oz will take place in the Music Room at 3:15 this afternoon!

Good luck to all auditioning…

Volunteering Experience Grades 6-8 – One letter, One smile at a time

Each semester, students in grade 6-10 are required to complete at least one volunteering experience.

Join this letter writing club – One letter, One smile at a time

Sign up on Veracross after 1pm today.

Together we will write letters to elderly people in care homes in the Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain or Germany. These elderly people are lonely and due to Covid-19, some have not had any visitors. Your letter, your words can brightened their day! Your letter can be in English, French, German, Spanish, or Dutch.

Write a letter and bring back smile with words.

Ein Brief, ein Lächeln

Regalando una sonrisa con cada carta

Eén brief, één glimlach tegelijk

One letter, One smile at a time

Écrivez une carte postale et redonnez le sourire


Starts Monday, October 11

Meet in D229.


Lunch 2

NIC BBQ Volunteer Experiences G6-11

On Saturday, September 25th, volunteers are needed to run children’s games and do face painting.

This is an OFF-CAMPUS volunteering opportunity – at the Shangri-La Hotel.

Sign up on Veracross after 1 pm.

10 brilliant face paint kits to encourage kids' self-expression

Looking for 12 students in grades 6-8 to run activities for the small children.
12 noon – 4 pm
No food or transport provided.

Contact Mr Romero for additional information.

Looking for 6 students in grades 9-11 to run do face painting.
12 noon – 2 pm or 2 pm to 4 pm
No food or transport provided.
Contact Mr Romero for additional information.

Secondary Gym Access at Lunch

Hello Grade 6-12 Lunchtime Gym Users,

Could you please wait to enter the gym outside the external (outside) Blue Gym doors each day at lunch? This will help our Primary students depart faster from the inside doors, allowing you safer and quicker access to the gym. Win-win. A reminder that lunchtime gym access for you starts at 12:30pm every day of the week. Thanks for your help!


All grade 6-12 students are invited to attend the After School Workspace (ASW) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00-4:10 PM in the Learning Support Area (C142) around the corner from the PAC!

You have questions? We have answers!

You don’t understand something that you are learning in class? We can help!

You need a quiet place to study? We have TONS of space!

You need to work on a group project? We have rooms for you!

You lost your notebook, can’t find your schedule, have no idea where your locker is, misplaced your lunch card, your sister ate your homework, and your computer ran out of batteries? We can solve all of those problems and more!

It all starts on Wednesday, September 22nd at 3:00 PM.

See you there!