Primary PLD Sign Ups

Primary teachers who need a reminder of the sessions they signed up for can view their choices here.

Please attend the sessions you originally signed up for.

Updates of Welcome Centre Personnel

Congrats to Ms. Sara Wu!  Following her heart to be an educator, Sara will be working as a Learning Assistant from March 1st.

Congrats to Ms. Elaine Liu!  Working at NIS since March 1st 2010, Elaine is going to replace Sara and working as the Welcome Centre Supervisor from March 1st.

Ms. Tingting BU (卜婷婷) will join NIS as the Welcome Centre Assistant from March 1st!  Campus visit in 2018/19 to assist her BSH foreign colleagues on children’s enrolment still fresh in the memory, Tingting is honored to be back as a member of NIS Staff.  She is an English major, with French as a second language and on self-study of Spanish.


LNY Assembly Today

Good morning everyone,

Reminders for today:

Extended Advisory as normal, followed by B1.

Please bring your B1 students to the PAC to be seated and ready by 9:30. Teachers should spread out and sit amongst the students to help support positive audience behavior throughout.

The assembly should end by break time, and the rest of the day will be normal.

Thanks and have a great day! Sara

Facility Notice – CNY

Dear all,

During Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, only Fitness Room (the Center level 3) will be opened daily 0600h to 1800h.

The rest of campus will be closed.

Best Regards,

Facility Team

BTT Semester Two


Please see the updated BTT rota. Please note we will be running the same rota for S2. If you wish to swap your assigned duty with another staff member, please let Zhang Bo know!


Student Agency Event Organizer

On Saturday, May 18th from 12:00-4:30pm NIS will host a pdacademia-sponsored professional learning event focused on student agency. Our friend and pdacademia head Michael Iannini is looking for a member of the NIS staff to assist with planning and hospitality. If you are interested please let Kasson know this week or early next! Thanks.

Northern China IB Spring Job-Alike

Proposals to present a workshop or lead a job-alike at the Norther China IB Spring Job-Alike are still being accepted.

Registration for participants will open after the presenters are finalized.

PLD Break-out session sign ups close today!

Good morning,

Thanks to everyone who has signed up for their break out sessions. If you have not yet signed up, please do so today before 4pm. Thank you!


Primary PLDs SignUp

Sign up for PLD breakout sessions close at 4pm today. Any Primary teacher who has not yet completed the form, please do so today.

PLD Break-Out Session Sign Up

Good morning,

About half the secondary staff has signed up for their break out sessions on the form. If you have not yet signed up, please do so. Thank you!


UDL session next week

Please tell us, what is your preference to document the information in the 2 UDL sessions during our PLD. Is just ONE question!