daily bulletin on Friday 19 and Monday 22
Elections of Advisory Liaisons and Student Council Representatives
Dear advisors,
On Monday, August 22nd, students will vote for
1- ONE Advisory liaison.
2-TWO Student Council representatives.
Job description
A MYP/DP Advisory liaison
-shares his/her advisory’s feelings and wishes with the SC,
– communicates SC updates to his/her advisory.
Grade Level representatives :
– attend all SC meetings,
– help with some of the great school events : Talent Show, Art Auction, Pfrang Day, …
– attend the Committee of Student Affairs or the Sustainability Committee,
-create short skits and movies for the assembly.
1- Grade Level representatives
Students write the name of 2 students in their grade on the piece of paper provided.
Please put the papers back in the envelope.
Abbie Cadden and Angela Lu, SC president and vice-president, will collect them by breaktime.
Absent students can communicate their choice by email on Tuesday.
2- MYP/DP Advisory Liaison
Ask students to choose their Advisory liaison. Any grade.
The new liaison must send an email to
6-9 : Abbie Cadden – abbiecadden
10-12 : Angela Lu – angelalu
including your name, his/her name and grade – subject : Advisory Representative
Thank you very much.
The MYP/DP Student Council.
DB-SC elections-teachers.docx