You can buy USD, GBP, EUR, HKD, JPY, AUD and CAD cash at CMB Xianlin Branch now. Please call CMB (Tel: 83119505) to make an appointment 7 days in advance.
Reminder about exchange money at the China Merchants Bank (CMB)
If you are an overseas staff, before you visit the CMB for exchange, please make sure that you take following items:
- CMB Card;
- Original Passport;
- Employment Contracts since school year 1617;
- Individual income tax (IIT) statements;
- Salary statement.
The IIT Statement will be issued on monthly basis, while the Salary Statement annually.
Cigna & OWC visit schedule for 1819 school year
Dear overseas staff,
- The dates of visit: Sept. 26, 2018 / Nov. 14, 2018 / Jan. 16, 2019 / Feb. 27, 2019 / Apr. 17, 2019 / May 22, 2019
- Time: 10:30~15:00
- Venue: H303 @ Centre
Best wishes,
Clara Xi
Wayne Liu will be the MOD of Sept. 1, 2018
Dear all,
Wayne Liu will be the MOD of Sept. 1, 2018.
Best wishes,
Clara Xi
PP Supervisors
Dear Grade 10 Students, the list of the Personal Project Supervisors has now been finalised and is attached to this post. You should also be able to see your Supervisor in Veracross by tomorrow morning. Please come and see me if you have any questions. Grade 10 Personal Project Supervisor List 2018
Discover China Grades 5 – 12
Dear Students,
The final Discover China Trip lists have now been created and uploaded to Veracross. Check your portal to see which trip you will be going on.
We are now purchasing travel tickets, planning accommodation and deciding on the activities.
Lots more information will be available next week.
Mrs Clarke
Parent-Led Conferences Tomorrow!
Hello NIS Learners,
A reminder that Parent-Led Conferences are tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon. School dismisses at 1:25pm with buses departing just after 1:30pm. Please remind your parents and peers. Ask your Homeroom teacher or Advisor for more details.
‘Return to the Forbidden Planet’ Cast List
Congratulations to all who auditioned for this year’s Middle/Upper School Production!
The full cast list will be posted Tuesday morning outside the Black Box and Music Room.
Life 101
Today 6B will meet for the first Life 101 during Block 3 in room D240. See you there!
Mr. Yuen
Homework Club!
Homework Club is on this week and every Monday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:15. ALL Grade 6-12 students are welcome to come to the Learning Support Area (C142) to work on homework, projects, speeches, Personal Projects, Extended Essays, and more! It is a great place to ask questions, work with peers, and get stuff done! There are always teachers ready to support you there.
Xblock – Monday
Grade 6 to 8
I hope you are all getting into your chosen Xblock activity. Please remember to go to the spaces/rooms you were in on Friday. Gardeners – Mr Ben Dutton and Mr Danny Clarke will be working with you in the Garden from Tuesday so for today please go to D220.
XBlock teacher spaces
There have been a few slight changes for the next 2 weeks. Please check that you are supervising the right space. Ben will start the Garden group on Tuesday so for Monday they should still go to D220.
Whole School House Assembly Today
A reminder to all staff and students that we will be having our whole school house assembly this morning.
Please make your way to the following locations by 8.10am
Taiping – Green Gym
Xuanwu – PAC
Wutaishan – MYP Large Group Room