Month: April 2019

DEADLINES for ManageBac

Please ensure your ManageBac entries are all up to date before the DEADLINE. A completed entry has:

-grade before the title of the experience

-volunteering or Service as Action selected

-description (who, what, where, when, why) with smart goal

-reflections (facts, feelings, findings, future)


-ONE learning outcome (different one each time)

In addition, Gr10 and G11s must have:


-a balance of strands

-a variety of learning outcomes

Here are the DEADLINES 9pm (Beijing time):

Grade 11 – May 17th

Grade 10 – May 22nd

Grade 9 – May 24th

Grade 8 – May 27th

Grade 6 – June 3rd

Grade 7 – June 6th

There are other requirements, please come by the Activities Office if you have questions.


PS Friday Reminders

Music in the Foyer starts this morning at 7:45am in the Library Foyer. Come enjoy some wonderful performances.

Grades 2-5 please be seated by 8:10am in the Green Gym for our Athletics Day Awards Assembly. Homeroom teachers please accompany your class to the Awards Ceremony and then return to homerooms until MS Ambassadors announce to be ready for the Leavers Ceremony Honor Guard approximately between 9:00 and 9:15am.

PK-Grade 1 can expect Ambassadors to come by and let us know when to be in our designated positions for the Honor Guard.




Hi, everyone!

There will be a bake sale during Friday (April 26th)  break time in front of the library.

We will have brownies, cupcakes, and cookies–10RMB for one!

Please bring some money!

The fund raised money will be used to provide hygienic products to people in Guizhou, so please come and support us.

Thank you.

-Ms. Chen’s advisory


CMB Notice

CMB will CLOSE on May 1 & 2 and OPEN on May 3 & 4, 2019 during International Labour Day Holiday.

Any application for telegraphic transfer and foreign currency exchange will NOT be processed at CMB from May 1 to 4, 2019.

Facility Notice

1, Fresh air system integrated test for EY Project

Section C&D .  whole day  Apr.28th, 2019(Sunday)

2, Fire Protecting system integrated test for EY Project

All buildings.  8AM to 12AM  Apr.28th, 2019(Sunday)


Facility department

MAP-a-palooza Today!

Hello All,

We have a MAP-tastic day on tap. Please see the testing information below:

Grade 4 (All): 8:15am-9:45am-Reading

Grade 5A & 5B: 8:15am-9:45am-Reading

Grade 10 (All): 9:15am-10:20am in the LGR with Mr. Dutton and Mr. Stevens in the LGR-Math

Grade 7A & 7B: 10:40am-12:50pm in the LGR with MS. Kuan-Maths

Grade 7C: 10:40am-12:50pm in the Drama Classroom with Ms. Keus-Maths

Grade 5C: 11:30am-12:50pm-Reading

The overall MAP schedule is here for further details. Give it your best effort!

Ps. Grades 3, 5, and 10 are on for Monday!

Athletics day – LAST EVENT 6X200M Relay

Dear all,

Many thanks for participating either as a student or staff member on an event! Working together you helped to create lots of personal bests and also see each other in a different setting to a ‘classroom’! Again Mr Dutton and Mr Stevens thank you all for your energy and efforts during the day.

Last event will run TODAY (Thursday) at lunchtime (13:00 start) so please can ALL 6X200m Relay runners meet Mr Dutton and Mr Stevens at the start/finish line on the track.

ONLY students nominated to run will run (unless there are absences)

See you all out there for the FINAL event!

Mr Dutton and Mr Stevens.

MS/US Athletics Day – FINAL UPDATE

General Overview

Be sun smart tomorrow by wearing/having sun cream, caps, refillable water bottles and houseshirts

NO COMPUTERS/GAMING during the day – Devices used only for checking schedules/events/photos/videos


All students register and then head to their house area for 08:10 (GRADE 11 Participating students as well)

Xuanwu – Green gym (closest to the blue gym)

Taiping – Green gym (closest to the DC)

Wutaishan – Outside in the marquee

Students participating in the 1500m should be excused and head to the track to warm up.


Relay teams should be finalised at this point with the sheets already with the house leaders (Please hand into Scott/Ben)

08:30 All students/teachers should be outside in the Marquee or heading to their first event which starts at 08:30

10:20-10:40 – NO MS/US Break-time though relevant BTT teachers should go.

Lunchtime – 13:00 – 13:50 (MS/US Students eat FIRST in the cafeteria)

14:00- 15:00 – 100m Finals (All finalists be ready, also might happen before lunchtime) and Relays (4x100m, 6x200m and possible staff relay)

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and see us.

We look forward to YOU showcasing YOUR personal excellence and supporting each other throughout the events on the day.

Mr Dutton and Mr Stevens

Athletics Day Schedule MS-US 2019-20kc1a6

USE the link below to see YOUR events

Student event lists

Track Events
Gr6 Gr7 Gr 8 Gr 9 Gr 10 Gr 11 
8.00 Advisories
8.10 House Meetings: Taiping – green gym, Wutaishan – outside marquee, Xuanwu – green gym
8.25 All students to the field – sit in bleachers or go to FIRST event
8.40 1500m 1500m 1500m
9.00 1500m  1500m  1500m
9.15 200m 200m
9.35 200m 200m
9.55 200m 200m
10.15 800m 800m 800m
10.35 800m 800m 800m
11.00 400m 400m
11.20 400m 400m
11.40 400m 400m
12.00 100m 100m
12.20 100m 100m
12.40 100m 100m

Lunch – MS/US EAT 12:50-13:20

13.50 All athletes return to the track

100m Finals

14.20 4x100m relay 4x100m relay 4x100m relay      
14.25       4x100m relay 4x100m relay 4x100m relay
14.40 6X200M Relay (1 Boys/1Girls team per house with a representative from G6,7,8,9,10,11)
14:50 Staff Relay
15:00 Finish and Depart


MAP Testing Today and Thursday

Hello Grade 3 & 4 Crews,

You are on for MAP testing today:

Grade 4:  8:10am-9:35am in your Homerooms for Maths

Grade 3: From 10:40am-12:05pm in your Homerooms for Reading

Give it your best effort!

Ps. Thursday is our most epic day of MAP testing with Grades 4 and 5A/5B in the first morning slot and 5c, Grade Grade 10 coming up after. It’s going to be a BIG day of measuring academic progress, so get a good night’s rest tonight! The full MAP schedule is here for details.

Grade 11 Study Day Today

All Grade 11s should head down to the MSUS LGR directly after Advisory, this morning.

Please bring your laptops and all academic accoutrements you may require for the day.

See you there!