Month: August 2019

Little Shop of Horrors – AUDITIONS!

Auditions for this year’s MS/US musical production of Little Shop of Horrors will be held next week Wednesday lunch and Thursday after school, with call-backs on Saturday 24th August from 9:00-12:00.

Auditions are open to any G6-12 student!

If you want to be part of a fun-filled, HORROR-ific, musical extravaganza involving man-eating plants, evil dentists and songs to DIE for…then speak with any Music or Drama teacher for an audition extract TODAY!!

Learning 2 PreCon

Dear Colleagues,


We have an opportunity for a small number of our teachers and teaching assistants to attend select Learning2 Pre-Conference sessions that run all day on Thursday 16th October.

The available Pre-Con sessions are:


Team Teaching: Shared Spaces, Shared Students, Shared Practices (Whole School)

Linda Eide and Ed Hagen


Shifting Student Paradigms Through Immersion Programs

Mike Gregory  (Head of Caufield School in Nanjing)

*This is an interactive full day experience in which Mike shares how Caufield uses Nanjing as the classroom


It’s Not Rocket Science! Exploring Computer Science Experiences in the Early Years and Elementary School

Cheryl Terry


If you and/or your TA are interested in attending one of these sessions, please email Kasson with the following information by the end of business Tuesday, August 20th:


Name: Your name here

Grade: Grade level

Pre-Con Session: Name of Session

A line or two about why you’d like to attend


Applications will be reviewed by the PD committee and you will be notified as soon as possible of your acceptance.


There are also a few additional places for teachers to attend the amazing Learning2 Conference as a full participant on Fri/Sat. Please let Sonya know if you would like one of these spots!





NIS L2Asia Conference Coordinator

We temporarily have 2 libraries!

Our (new) secondary library is upstairs in the cafeteria, and holds books for 6-12 grades and adults, including foreign language books. Checkout is available during the school day and after school, but the upstairs library is closed during break and lunch.


Our primary library is in it’s regular location, and holds books for our younger students in English and various foreign languages, as well as our parenting books, travel guides, DVDs for parent and teacher checkout, and professional collection for teachers.

Summer library books are now due!

Students, teachers, and parents: don’t forget to return your library books that you checked out in June! They are now due, and overdue emails will be sent out Thursday morning to remind you. Avoid my emails by returning your books!

PD Committee Opportunity

The esteemed NIS Professional Development Committee is in need of one new member for the 2019/20 school year. Please have a look at our updated PD Handbook for information about the committee’s purpose and function. This group meets at lunch once per cycle to consider applications. Current members are Angel, Angela R., Joe,  Sonya, Steven, and Kasson (as the non-voting Chair) if you’d like to hear more directly from committee members about this commitment.

If you would like to be considered for this role, please email Kasson by the end of business on Monday the 19th. Thanks!

Wednesday Music Clubs

Advanced Orchestra & Chinese Drumming clubs start Wednesday, August 14, 2014. 

Advanced Orchestra has two gigs in semester 1 – Learning2 conference in October and Awards Assembly in January. All members must be auditioned. Rehearsals are Wednesdays after school. Please see Miss Keus (M252) for more information.

Chinese Drumming will be performing at a wide variety of events throughout the year, including the winter concert, NEAMC, assemblies, Earth Hour, Music Evening, etc. No auditions required, but space is limited to the number of drums available. Rehearsals are Wednesdays during lunch.  Please see Sunny Cho (M252 advisory) for more information. 

Little Shop of Horrors – AUDITIONS!

Auditions for this year’s MS/US musical production of Little Shop of Horrors will be held next week Wednesday lunch and Thursday after school, with call-backs on Saturday 24th August from 9:00-12:00.

Auditions are open to any G6-12 student!

If you want to be part of a fun-filled, HORROR-ific, musical extravaganza involving man-eating plants, evil dentists and songs to DIE for…then speak with any Music or Drama teacher for an audition extract TODAY!!

MS/US Seating Plan

New Advisory MS:US Seat Plan

Please find attached the MS/US Assembly Seating Plan for this year. Due to the nature of the new advisories, the assembly seating system isn’t as simple as in previous years. Essentially, the G6-9 advisories will need to do some ‘sharing’ of rows. Please take a few minutes to look at the plan in preparation for Friday afternoon’s assembly.

PS Assembly Seating Plan

PS assembly seating plan

Find attached the ‘new improved’ Primary School Assembly Seating Plan! For returning PS teachers, you will notice a few slight changes and one huge change…the parents are now positioned furthest from the entrance! This is to allow our younger students more suitable access to and from the theatre.

Video Review is recruiting!

NIS | Video Review  

Video review is a student-run and operated organization that films and edits school and community events. We produce short promotional films for individual events as well as a final film capturing the year’s events in one montage.  Each year we recruit and ask that you get involved! 

If you have questions contact

The only requirement to join the team is that you APPLY by answering 2 questions.

Application Link

List of jobs and responsibility of each job:

Producer: (one) 

The producer is the main organizer. The producer oversees contacting any event organizers, communicating time and date of the event and choosing which events get covered (with input from the team and NIS senior leadership team). The producer communicates with and assigns videographers to film events. They work with videographers to prepare camera equipment prior to the event. They maintain the scheduling of the video review calendar. The producer fills in for or reassigns videographers when needed. The producer verifies equipment and media is properly stored after every shoot.  


Director: (one)  

The director is the decision-maker for the vision of each shoot. The director instructs videographers on how they should shoot an event and works closely with editors and the motion graphic designer for finishing. They may fill in for a videographer or an editor if needed. They oversee and collaborate on all final edits. The director approves all final clips and films in collaboration with the editors. The director makes the final decision for all cuts and selects which events go in the official video review of the year. The Director submits final clips to the producer who then distributes the films for publication.  


Videographer: (multiple positions) 

Videographers film events they’ve been assigned to by the producer. They pick-up camera equipment prior to any event, format SD cards, shoot events to director’s specifications and capture clips onto media drives immediately after completing an event. The videographer returns all equipment to storage reporting any issues. Videographers communicate with the producer their availability and give more than 24-hour notice if they cannot attend an event they are scheduled to shoot. (In an emergency, if they can communicate, they should).  Videographers collaborate with editors on the events they’ve shot clips.  

Editor: (multiple positions)  

The editor edits events they’ve been assigned by the producer in collaboration with the videographer from the event. The editor does all post-production including graphics, sounds, color-grading, etc. The editor organizes and backs-up all media for the year. The editor adheres to the director’s vision and submits all final clips to the director for approval. 

Motion Graphics Designer: (Limited Positions available) 

The Motion Graphics Effects Designer (MGFX) will work closely with the director and producer to design opening animations for select events. They will also design on-screen graphics with-in films while working in collaboration with editors. Special effects or composited animations may also be required. Must be able to bring an individual artist vision and collaborate with all to create unique graphics for video review films.  

Trip Week Videographer: (At least 1 for each trip)  

The trip week videographer is expected to capture specific events during the Discover China trip week for Middle and Upper school. They are required to attend one training detailing the requirements. They will receive the necessary school-issued equipment to film with during trip week and will return and submit their recorded footage to the video review team upon return. They will be contacted and attend one editing session with an editor or complete a detailed form recommending important film clips for the week.

MS/US and teachers House T-shirts distribution on Thursday August 15th

Dear MS/US Advisors and teachers,

On August 15th, please inform your advisory students come to MYP Large group room(Room D207) to get their house T-shirts. The student names i sent to you on August 9th, only the yellow highlighted students can have new house T-shirts. Please come as the time below

If you are new teachers or your house T-shirts older than 2 years, please come as well.

Break Time: 10.20am – 10:40am

Lunch Time: 12.50pm – 14.00pm

After school : 15.00pm – 16.00pm


PS House T-shirts distribution on Wednesday August 14th

Dear Primary Homeroom teachers,

On August 14th, please take your students to MYP Large group room(Room D207, upstairs) to get their house T-shirts. You may find the student names from the document that i sent to you on August 9th, only the yellow highlighted students can have new house T-shirts. Please come at your schedule time.

TGIF Sign Up

Dear NIS family,

You are invited for the TGIF event at 4:30pm on Friday August 16th at Laurie’s house, the sign-up forms are available in staff room till 2:00pm Wednesday August 14th. Please find attached address of Laurie’s house and navigation map for your information.

Any queries please feel free to let me know.