Day: September 14, 2020


A Grade 8/9 service group has hand-made some fragrant soaps and placed them into many of the MSUS bathrooms for you to use.

Please feel encouraged to use them when you wash your hands!


Goodbye Gaming Room

Hello Gamers! The cooler weather has arrived and the chance to breathe fresh air and take a break from your screens is here. The gaming room is closing until further notice. Go outside, play a game, be in nature, have a walk around the track or simply take time away from your devices. What a wonderful opportunity to do something different. Enjoy yourselves!

G6-12 X-Block Logo Competition

Hi Logo Designers,
Just a reminder that the XBlock Logo Competition first round closes this Friday the 18th of September.
To submit your entries, go to the Submissions Folder
If you’re just getting started go to this Information Page
We here at XBlock are really looking forward to seeing your ideas!!
Mr. Danny

PS student activities this week!

Monday Lunch 1.10 – Italian Mother Tongue – lead by Mati and Gianluca in a grade 3 classroom to be confirmed.

Tuesday Lunch 1.10 – Jewelry Making for Grade Ones – lead by Noelle and Riccardo in C114. 10 students only.

Wednesday Lunch 1.10 – Pour Painting for Grade Twos – Lead by Vivian and Claire in C114. 16 students only.

MAP Testing This Week and Next

Hello Grade 3-10 Students,

MAP testing is coming up starting THIS week and next. Please see this schedule and make a note of when and where you will be demonstrating your learning. For many of you, it has been a full year since you got the chance to show what you know, and we know you’ll make the most of it!

To prepare, please:

-Make sure your laptop is updated and ready to test (speak with a Maths teacher for details)

-Make sure you get a good night’s rest before your test dates

-Make sure you eat a nutritious breakfast and snack on the day

-Make sure your laptop is fully charged

-Be ready to give the test your full attention and best effort

-If you have a text-to-speech accommodation, please remember your headphones! 

-These are good tips for every day as well 🙂

Please see Mr. Dodge, Mrs. Clarke, or Ms. Ham with any MAP-related questions.


Grade 9 MAP Test Today

Hello Grade 9 MAP Masters,

Your MATH MAP test is happening today, starting Block Three, during your regularly scheduled Maths Block.

Here’s how it works:

-Everyone stays in Block Three to the end, regardless if you are finished or not (so take your time…)

-At the end of Block Three, those that have finished the test go to Block Four. Everyone else continues testing (so take your time…).

-At the end of Block Four, those that are still testing will go to lunch and finish the test at a later date (so take your time!).


Give this test your best!


Ps. Grades 4 and 8 are up to begin testing tomorrow, so get some good sleep tonight!