Day: April 27, 2021

Last Volunteer Opportunity for Semester 2 – May 16

The 17th Annual Yangshan Park Run will focus on raising money and awareness for Parkinson’s Disease.

You can choose to run 5km, run or walk 2km. There is a 20 rmb minimum donation. All the money raised will be donated to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research.

Please come to the Activities Office and ask Miss Christine to help you sign up on an App.

The event will take place Sunday, May 16. Please be at the park by 8.30 am.

Walkathons are great way to raise money for a good cause, get some exercise, and foster friendships and community spirit.  Everyone from toddlers to seniors can participate. What are you waiting for?

MS-US Sports Day – Snacks

athletics day snacks

Not only can you contribute to your house by your participation in sports day events but you can also donate/bake some healthy snacks for others and get house points for this gesture.

Please look at the poster shared by Bryce, Seonghyun and Jinse for more details.


Ting Ting Meeting

We will have a meeting – Thursday at Break in D229 to finalise our plans for the Ting Ting Children to visit NIS>

NIS EARCOS Rep Position SY21/22

Our NIS EARCOS (East Asia Region Council of International Schools) Representative position is open for SY21./22. The teacher in this role is our designated communication liaison with EARCOS, helps coordinate the process for colleagues that are interested in presenting at EARCOS workshops or publishing in the Tri-Annual Journal, attends the annual EARCOS Teacher Conference, and helps with grant writing/weekend workshopcoordination. Please see Bella (our current Rep) with any questions regarding the role.

If this appeals to you, please write or speak to Kasson to express interest by April 30th.

Many thanks!