Year: 2022

Grade 8 and Grade 9 MAP Testing Monday

Exemplary Grade Eights: You are scheduled for MAP Reading Monday morning from 8:00am on the third floor of the Centre.

Knowledgable Grade Nines: You are scheduled for MAP Reading Monday afternoon from 1:00pm on the third floor of the Centre.

Please arrive on-time with both minds and laptops charged are ready.

See you there!

NIS Air Quality Index (AQI) Guidelines

Winter months can sometimes result a AQI increase. Please take a moment to have a look at our current AQI Guidelines and let SET or SLT know what questions you may have. This is something we are constantly reviewing.

We currently use the “Air Matters” App to get readings from the Qixia monitor (which is a few blocks away) on the US AQI setting. It’s up to all of us to monitor and act upon these readings, especially prior to Break and Lunch Recess.

Also a reminder that our world class, state-of-the-art, well maintained, often inspected, and well resourced campus-wide air purification system only works if we keep our outside-facing windows and doors closed.



NAT test schedule -Friday

PKK1  8:30-8:35
K2     8:35-8:40
G1A&C     8:40-8:45
G3      8:45-8:55
G1B      8:45-8:55

Have a nice day!

Outstanding SENIA Virtual Conference!

The Special Education Network and Inclusion Association (SENIA) is offering an outstanding virtual conference December 2-4. Keynoters include Dr. Katie Novak, Cornelius Minor, and Dr. Temple Grandin!

The conference experience is based around four strands with ace facilitators lined up:

-Growing Inclusive Practices (UDL/EAL/Sensory/Twice Exceptional Learners)

-Nurturing Diversity (Gender & Sexuality/Safe Spaces/BIPOC Experiences/Intersectionality)

-Building Better Programs (Policies/Data/Testing/Documentation/IEPs)

-Fostering SEL (Brain science behind behavior/pandemic effects/wellness)

The cost is only $250 USD, which would come from our individual Professional Learning Allowances. If we register more than 10 people, this comes down to $150 USD, what a deal! Please take a look and speak with Kasson or Tanya (our very own SENIA Board Member!) for more information.

When you are ready to register, please complete the Professional Learning Tracking Form and Kasson will sign you up. Simple as that!

Today’s NAT Testing Schedule

8:30am: Grade 2

8:35am: Grade 4

9:00am: Grades 6 and 8

9:10am: Grade 5

Faculty and Staff are welcome to have a NAT anytime between 8:30-9:30am. Thanks!



Home Leave Allowance 2022-23

Dear overseas colleagues,

In your pigeonhole you will find the annual Home Leave Allowance ( HLA ) procedure for school year in 2022/2023.

Please sign and return it to Myra or Arek’s mailbox by Friday 18 November 2022 (for December Salary) , or Tuesday 21 March 2023.



NAT Testing Today

NAT Testing is scheduled as follows:


8:35: K2

8:40: G3

9:00: G7 and G9

9:05: G1

Many thanks!

Teacher invite to GCD pecha kucha today

Dear Teachers,

All are welcome to attend the GCD pecha kucha today at 9:05am in the Black Box. Students will make a series of pecha kucha style presentations in which they will reflect on an experience that they have had and how they have grown as a global citizen because of it.

We cannot accommodate classes of students but teachers from any and all parts of the school are welcome.

Ruth and Anna

NAT test schedule-Wednesday


Please see the NAT test schedule below for today!

PKK1 8:30-8:35

K2     8:35-8:40
 G3    8:40-8:45
Gr.7,9   9:00-9:05
G1   9:05-9:10
Have a nice day!