Category: Staff

Student perspectives needed!

Dear students,

Matilda Moon in Grade 11 is seeking your feedback to help her with her Extended Essay.

She is considering the culture and language use of teenagers by analyzing advertisements in different timezones. She is interested in getting your feedback about the types of products you have most interest in, and the products you consume the most.

The link is below:

Thanks for taking the time to support Matilda’s research and her EE!

Interhouse Theatresports!!

If you are a keen improvisor and would like to represent your house in this year’s Theatresports competition please come along to the Black Box during lunch this Wednesday 22nd May at 12:55pm for an information session.

House Captains will need to be present to assemble teams.

See poster for information event time/date!

House Spelling Results

Thanks for your efforts with the House spelling competition. There were some close contests!
The results:
1st Taiping: wins in 5 rooms.
2nd Xuanwu: wins in 4 rooms.
3rd Wutaishan: wins in 2 rooms.
Hope you enjoyed the activity.

Facility Notice

Fire alarm and linkage control system test by authorized testing party this Sunday.

There will be 2 to 3 times trigger alarm which will last less than 10minuts each.

Time:  9:30am to 11:30am, Sunday (May 19th)

Scope: Whole school

Please be informed, and thanks for support and cooperation!

T-shirt logo design competition

NISSAC invites you to join a T-shirt designing competition! Next year, NIS is hosting ACAMIS volleyball in October 2019.


You must submit a design that meet these requirements:

– Original design

– Design for both the front and back of the T-shirt

– Submit as photoshop file

– Include all competing schools’ name AND/OR logos

– Include the ACAMIS logo

– Include the words ‘orange division’

– include your name on the shirt


Logos can be found here:

smb:// Competition_ACAMIS VBALL_2019/Logos


Deadline: 9pm, June 10th

Submit on the Student Large Storage server in a PHOTOSHOP FILE under:

smb:// Competition_ACAMIS VBALL_2019


This experience can be counted as creativity for CAS.

The winning design will be selected by the NISSAC team.

May the best design win.


If you have any question please email .



House Spelling Competition: Friday

6-8 Advisory
Advisories Location
Ms. terBorg Ms. Kuan Mr. Madlinski Upstairs Design Centre
Mr Dutton Mr Baker Mr Stevens Green Gym
Mr Synder Mr Lee Ms. S Wang Mr Snyder’s Room
Mr Bahilo Mr Winstanley Ms. Johnson Ms Johnson’s Room
Mr. Warwick Ms. Seiguneur Mrs. Merrylees Mr. Warwick’s Room
9-10 Advisory
Advisories Location
Ms. Law Ms. Fox Mr. Orteza Ms Law’s Room
Ms. Chen Mr. Hammond Ms. L Wang Mr Hammond’s Room
Mr. Chesterman Mr Fischl Ms. Zhang Mr. Chesterman’s room
11-12 Advisory
Advisories Location
Mr Newman Mr Hornell Mr Leitz Mr Hornell’s Room
Mr Kay Ms Moen Mr Coad Ms. Moen’s Room
Ms Lenk Ms Crème Ms Ryan Ms Crème’s Room
  • A PowerPoint presentation will be shared to run the competition. Audio is needed to hear the words. There are 20 words to spell.
  • Like the House Trivia competition, 3 advisories will meet in one room, one from each House.
  • If possible, each advisory should create 3 more or less even sized mixed gender teams – so there are 9 teams in each room.
  • Nominate up to 3 student markers, to assist in scoring
  • If possible, mini whiteboards should be used for each team to spell each word. If mini whiteboards are not available, scrap paper can be used.
  • No technology is permitted for students during the competition.
  • Run the presentation as a slide show, allowing time for teams to spell each word. Teams should hold up their spelling towards the front so the markers can see if they are correct or not. It is either right or wrong. Correct each word as you go, keeping score on the scoresheet provided.
  • When finished, add the total scores for each team, the highest scoring house wins, next highest second and then third.
  • If there are unequal numbers of teams for each house, average the results to determine the winner. Each room needs to determine which house is 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
  • Send your 1st, 2nd and 3rd Houses to Mr. Chesterman when completed.


Thank you for your support.

MS/US library books unavailable from June 10


We will begin packing up the MS/US fiction (M and YA sections), nonfiction books, adult fiction books, and foreign language books on June 10 to move them upstairs in the cafeteria for the HUB construction. All student library books will be due on June 6th, so there will be no more student checkouts to affect the timing. Please plan ahead if you will need books for MS/US classes (or yourself) during the last two weeks of school and over the summer.

The elementary section of the library will be moved at some point in the fall, so those books are available to teachers through the end of the school year.

Deleting old textbooks from your classrooms – reminder

If you want to get rid of/delete old textbooks from your classrooms, they MUST come to the library first if they have a barcode. We have to delete them from the school inventory. We have carts you may borrow if you have more than a handful of textbooks to bring down to the library.

You can begin bringing in old textbooks on Monday, May 20. The last day to bring us old textbooks is Monday, May 27. We will bring the deleted textbooks over to the PAC for decluttering on Tuesday, May 28.