Category: Staff

INSET Photos, Please!

Hello All,

If you happen to have taken any photos or videos during INSET (SCRUM, Tag, Responsive Classroom) could you please WeChat, email, or Airdrop them to Kasson? There’s chocolate in it for you!


Week 24 PS Programme Meeting

We will start in the Green Gym at 2:45pm with a fun Team Building Energizer, and then move on into our PD groups at 3:00pm. We’ll close together in the Faculty Lounge at 4:00pm.

Preferred Name is not in the Veracross?

Dear Homeroom teachers and advisors,

Just a quick shout out that if your student has a preferred Name which has not been show up in the VeraCross system. Would you please shoot me an email? I will update in the VeraCross system.

Many Thanks,


Tech Challenge Tomorrow B5 (Wednesday)!!!

Dear Students! Tech Challenge is upon us again!

Tomorrow (Wednesday) at the end of lunchtime please line up with your year level outside the library foyer. When your group is standing quietly, the teacher in charge of your line will lead you off to your space. There you will participate in an activity that will enable you to win points for your house.

Mr. Mad, Miss Cynthia, Mrs. terBorg and Mr. Baker will be roaming if you have any questions.


Good luck and have fun!!!!!



Strategy survey for faculty

Hello everyone!
The Strategy Team would like some feedback on the work done on supporting the implementation of our Strategy. We would also like to gather information that can be used for planning for the next Vision of the Strategy for 2020.
If you haven’t had a chance to complete it yet, the link to the survey is here, and it should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Survey closes tomorrow.
The Strategy Team

Reminder: Substitution Coordinator Opening SY19/20

Hello Colleagues,

Please find the linked job description for NIS Substitution Coordinator, beginning August 2019.  Interested applicants should send a CV and Statement of Interest to Kasson via email by Friday, March 1st at 4:00pm.

Please pass this information to any partner, spouse, or colleague you think might be interested in applying for this internal posting.

XBlock Presentation Today 3:15pm D208

Looking for something to do after school today?

Keen to learn more about XBlock in the NIS Middle School?

Want to know what trade secrets we are planning to give away at ACAMIS this weekend?

Always looking for an opportunity to give some critical friend feedback?

Well look no further! Come along to D208 today at 3:15pm for a journey through space and time as Ruth and I run through our ACAMIS Leadership presentation.

Presentation Blurb: 

Nanjing International School is in its second year of a fully operational student-led inquiry program in the middle grades. This program, dubbed “X-Block,” is an incubator for strategic learning initiatives relating to student voice, student choice, and pushing the boundaries of learning beyond the campus walls. The goal of this session is to share insights, challenges, and lingering questions both about the program itself, as well as around the notion of promoting student agency and a culture of trial and error within an inclusive, international, middle school context.

Hope to see you there!