Survey on fiction

Please see details below on some research a former NIS student is conducting for her Grade 10 Personal Project:

I’m doing some research on elements of fiction (for my Personal Project) that appeal to 14-19 years olds. I’m wondering if it would be too much trouble to share this link (it is to a survey that I’ve created) with any suitably aged students in school.
It’d be great to have responses all over the world so I’m hoping you’d be able to help.

Xblock Data Collection Today

How might we share our Xblock projects? How might we set effective goals for our projects? How might we deepen our learning in Xblock?

The answer to all of these questions begins with data! Beginning today Mr Jacobson and Ms Merrylees will begin collecting some of the data we need to help us answer these questions.

What do you need to do?

Grade 6: Go to the LGR at the start of Xblock today (block 3) to find out

Grade 7: Go to the LGR at 11.20

Grade 8: Go to the LGR at 12 noon

See you later for more on data…!


Volunteers Needed

Please sign up in the Activities Office:

  • ACAMIS Volleyball Scorekeepers are STILL needed. Oct. 24-26th.


Please sign up on Veracross for the following opportunities:

  • The Knitting Clubs needs people to sew on labels. Day 2, lunch 1.

  • The Autumn Festival needs lots of Student Volunteers. Nov. 2nd.

  • RFG Christmas Market will also need helpers on Dec 6 – 7th.

  • The Pfrang Giving Tree needs students to help sell cards. All of November/December.

  • Art Therapy. Fridays, November 25th – June 5th Teach art to students at Migrant school.

How to RAMs – it’s on today!

If you’ve any burning questions about completing the RAMs forms, or if you’re not even sure where to start, please come along to the MSUS LGR this afternoon at 3:15pm. Don’t forget your laptop.

Discover China Grades 6-11

Only one week to go before we depart on Discover China.

Please turn in your passport or Chinese ID card to your Trip Leader today (Monday).



MacOS Catalina “upgrade”

Please note that the newest MacOS version – Catalina – has been released and we are currently testing its stability. At this time we do not recommend this upgrade as there are still many bugs in it. If you choose to upgrade, you do so at your own risk. If you have upgraded already and need to downgrade to MacOS Mojave, please make time to stop by the IT office for support.

HWC-What did the centipede ask his mom in the shoe store?

This time, can I have shoes WITHOUT shoelaces please??

Homework Club is only happening on Monday this week because Three-Way Conferences are on Wednesday. All grade 6-12 students are welcome to attend Homework Club from 3:15-4:15 in the LSS area (C142)! There are always teachers ready to support you if you need it. Come work on homework, study for exams, or work on projects.

See you there!

ALL Invited to L2 Talks Today!

All members of staff, regardless of conference participation status, are invited to the Learning2 Talks. These are short, powerful talks delivered in the PAC by teachers (including one of our own) and students (three of our own). They are taking place today from 9:20am-10:ooam and again from 4:40pm-5:15pm in the theatre. Hope to see you there!

How to RAMs

What is a RAMS form?

Why do I need to use it when taking students on a trip?

How detailed must I be when filling it in?

I don’t even know where to start!

Come along to the MSUS LGR on Monday at 3:15pm to ask all of these questions and more.


Speakers Needed… Pecha Kucha @NIS is Back!

PechaKucha or Pecha Kucha is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each. The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers multiple-speaker events called PechaKucha Nights.

A reminder that time-honored community tradition at NIS, Pecha Kucha makes its triumphant return November 23, at 7pm. If you or someone you know would like to present an idealistic idea, tell a sumptuous story, or recite a poem you created about your most favorite thing in the whole world with 20 images at 20 seconds a piece, please contact

If you are considering giving Pecha Kucha a go, but aren’t sure yet, please have a chat with veteran NIS PK’ers Ruth, Luiz, Laurie, Amy, Kasson, Rick, or Bob. We’ll all tell you to go for it! 

Bake sale

Hello to all,

We are having a bake sale on Thursday 17th of October.
We are raising money for charity. Please bring your money. We will have the sale in front of the Cafeteria at break time.

Ms Lisa’s advisory

Classrooms Settings for L2

Hi All,

A reminder that in advance of Learning2 @ NIS, please consider the following regarding use of all classroom spaces from NEXT Thursday at 3:01pm

-Please leave the room as you would like it be if you were presenting to adults in this space.

-Please leave whiteboards clean.

-Please leave the protector remote near the screen in an obvious location.

-Please stow any materials that you would like not be be touched.

-Spaces will likely be rearranged to some extent. Though we will do our best to leave things as they were found, some readjustment on Monday morning may be required. 

Many thanks for your assistance as we welcome the world to NIS!

Library Foyer Today and Tomorrow

A heads-up that there will be heavy set-up today from around 4pm in the Library Foyer resulting in a great deal of “stuff” in this space tomorrow (Thursday) in preparation for L2. After school one of our vendors will be putting assembling their wares in front of the main building and in the Library Foyer itself, which means that tomorrow this space will look very different (and be quite full). Could you please assist us by moving students safely through this space tomorrow? Many Thanks!