

At NIS we…

  • Focus on developing and reinforcing mathematical thinking rather than isolated skills and knowledge
  • Ensure a balance of productive dispositions, conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, communication and reasoning and problem-solving in our Maths teaching
  • Explicitly teach the problem-solving process and problem-solving strategies
  • Treat all students as mathematicians and instill enthusiasm for and enjoyment of exploring and learning about Maths
  • Provide choice so that students can be autonomous in deciding what they need to learn
  • Use an inquiry approach and encourage student questions
  • Develop skills and knowledge through regular Maths Talks-Number Talks, Pattern Talks and Estimation Talks
  • Write planners on Atlas for each Maths unit
  • Agree on summative assessment tasks for each Maths unit
  • Use four criteria to assess progress-Knowledge and Understanding, Pattern, Communication and Approach to Problem-solving

Core practices

  • Number Talks, Pattern Talks & Estimation Talks take place once each in an 8-day cycle
  • Teaching the problem-solving strategies (using the language of the Problem-Solving Toolkit) is built into the time-line
  • Students are immersed in inquiry, including rich problems
  • Reflection on learning is a key part of the process. Maths journals include writing about Maths.
  • We look for opportunities to incorporate Chinese culture into our Maths teaching, e.g visits, guest speakers, Chinese vocabulary & strategies


  • Grade level OneNote notebooks

               PreK Maths OneNote

              K1 Maths OneNote

              K2 Maths OneNote

              G1 Maths OneNote 

              G2 Maths OneNote

              G3 Maths OneNote

              G4 Maths OneNote

             G5 Maths OneNote

Books: (Available in the Resource Room or the library)

Teaching Student-centred Mathematics: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades 3-5/PreK-K2 by J. A. Van de Walle et al