First Six Weeks: Maths

Week Essential question Action
Week 1/2 Who are we as mathematicians? Find out about your students’ attitude to Maths

  • Interactively model a Maths game-see Nrich games for suggestions
Week 3 What productive dispositions do we want to see in Maths? Make productive dispositions visible

  • Agree on Maths Norms, e.g. Jo Boaler’s Norms in the Maths class or What makes a good mathematician? or 8 math practices of Jedi masters or create a ‘Looks like…Sounds like…. Students’ job…. Teachers’ job….’ Make anchor chart-add to it as ideas come up
  • Interactively model Maths Morning Meeting (see individual grade OneNote notebooks-Morning Meetings)
Week 4 How do we ensure that we are always learning (1)?

Introduce Maths Assessment Criterion A: Knowing and understanding

Math Criteria PYP student version

Week 5 How can we improve our communication in Maths? Introduce Maths Assessment Criterion C: Communication  Math Criteria PYP student version

Week 6 How do we ensure that we are always learning in Maths (2)? Introduce Maths Assessment Criterion B: Pattern Math Criteria PYP student version

Week 7 How do we solve Maths problems?

Introduce Maths Assessment Criterion D: Approach to Problem-solving

Math Criteria PYP student version