Category: Student

Save Your Work Easier!

Attention students in grades 4-12!

Ever finish a great idea on the whiteboard, white-table or notebook and want to save it in a format that you can easily use for class? Want something better than just snapping a picture with your phone only to have to try and remember what day you took it, or what the picture immediately before and after it was? Do you wish it was searchable?

Well, Office 365 just made it a lot easier! Make your lives easier by downloading the OneDrive App on your phone or iPad today!

Create folders on the fly or use the ones that you’ve copied from your desktop, snap a picture, then select the folder and name the pic and voila! You have a neat photo or PDF now saved exactly where you need it (and it’s searchable from your laptop, tablet, or phone). Stay tuned for more info coming soon from a teacher or tech coach near you!

Download to your mobile device of choice here:

For a quick overview of how it works, check out the video for what it looks like on an Android Device below!

Life 101 Grd 10-12 March 28

Attention…New Locations for today’s Life 101:

Grade 10 – Large Group Room

Grade 11 – Ms Lenk and Ms Creme’s classrooms

Grade 12 – Large Music Room


NIS Softball is Here!!!

Throw, Catch, Run, Swing! Come join the newest sport at NIS and be part of the inaugural season. Sign up on Veracross today. First practice is on Monday, April 8.



We will be starting an ABRSM5 club once a week during the first half of lunch in the music room. This will take place during either Day 4 or 7 each week (depending on whether Miss Keus has an assembly tech rehearsal). We will have an ABRSM5 WeChat that includes your parents and every Sunday night we’ll send out the schedule of which day the club will take place.This is not a mandatory club and Miss Keus will not be chasing students who miss sessions – it’s all up to you and how serious you are.

If you are interested in attending, please come to Miss Keus’ room today during the 1st half of lunch.

CISSA Softball is here!!

Come and try a brand new sport at NIS!! We are offering CISSA Softball for the first time for Grades 5 – 8. Come and give it a go!! Mondays and Wednesdays 3.15 – 4.15pm on the field. Starts right after the break on Monday 8th April. Sign up on Veracross.

Student Coaches for Softball Needed

We are looking for 3 student coaches for CISSA softball. The practices are Mondays and Wednesdays 3.15-4.15pm. The tournament will be on May 24 and 25th. Please sign up on Veracross.
For further informations please check with Mr. Lance.

Career Day Sessions

Please see the schedule for Career Day tomorrow. Each session has limited space, so please be sure you are attending the correct session. The schedule will be posted at the LGR and in the lobby of the PAC tomorrow morning.

Career Day Session

Grades 6-8

Grades 9-11

Roommate choice for DC12

Dear grade 12 students,

Please take a minute to complete this short survey to indicate your roommate preference and other information to help us plan your Discover China trip in May.


The DC12 team

Students Tech Team Meet

Students Tech Team Members, please notice that we are going to have our meeting at the following time and location:

Time: 13:10- This Friday (March 22nd)

Location: Eating Area Outside the Cafeteria

Hope to see you all there!

Volunteers Needed for Soccer Invitational Saturday March 23rd

Please sign up on Veracross to help. We need:

  • Ball People
  • Pitch Manager

Possible learning outcomes….(choose only ONE and one that is DIFFERENT from what you choose in your other experiences!)

  • ethics
  • challenge and new skills
  • commitment and perseverance
  • global (if you do the bake sale)

Remember you must have one SA and one Volunteering experience this semester. This is essential if you have enough points for an academic Achievement Award or if you wish to be considered for a Service Award.