Month: October 2017

Baylor University from Texas at NIS Tuesday, Oct 31

Hello grade 9-12 students,

Baylor University, located in Texas, USA, is a private Christian university that has an extensive list of majors, some of which are; International Business, Journalism, Education, Computer Science, Art History, Exercise Physiology, Engineering, and that is just the first part of the alphabet!  There are about 15,000 undergraduate students, a high commitment to sports and athletics, and competitive scholarships for international students.

Stop by the MSUS/LGR on Tuesday, October 31st during break  to find out more.

Intel on Leaving Families?

Dear All,

It is that time of the school year when some of our families are finding out if they will be staying in Nanjing or moving on.

This is particularly true of our Korean and Antipodean friends.

If you hear any hints or rumours from your students – we would be very grateful if you could let any of us know here in Admissions. We have a Waiting Pool for places in some grades and we can follow up diplomatically with parents.

The main thing is to encourage parents to send a short email to admissions informing us of their plans together with their expected leaving date. This can be a little confusing as many families will leave on 15th December before the winter break, but the actual date of  S2 is 18th January and school fees are paid up until that date. S1 school reports are not available until 16th January.

The Parent Leaving Notice is in the Weekly Bulletin ( see below ) and the transfer information fact sheet and  Clearance Forms are downloadable off the website. Attached is the link of where this can be found on the Parent Portal:

Parent_Leaving_Notice October17-1cphy3f

Thanks for your support, and if you have any questions let us know?

Sue, Monica, Grace and Jane

Inter house table tennis

Inter house table tennis is on at lunch time Today in the gym.  Your house needs 2 girls and 2 boys from G6-8 and 2 boys and 2 girls from G9-12.  If you would like to represent your house please see your house captains.

XBlock Today

Hello Grade 6/7 Students,

Please report directly to the upstairs of the Design Centre at the start of XBlock today with a charged laptop and your brains switched on.

See you there!

Interhouse Music Competition

The practical / playing portion of this year’s interhouse music competition will take place during semester 1. It will take place on Sunday November 26th at Royal Family Gardens and will be performed in front of a live, community audience (family, friends, and strangers!)

This year’s rubric has been updated to include an orchestration strand. The descriptors for 1 – 4 refer to straight transcriptions, which mean you perform the music exactly as written (skillful, but not creative). The descriptors for 5 – 8 refer to arrangements, which mean you add an intro, maybe a solo, maybe you do a key change, you play it in a different genre / style, etc.

Please see your interhouse team captain, teacher, or Miss Keus if you are interested in performing. Because this is an off-campus event, we will need to register each performer for our safety protocols.

More details to follow.

Inter house table tennis

Inter house table tennis is on at lunch time Monday the 30th October (after trip week).  Your house needs 2 girls and 2 boys from G6-8 and 2 boys and 2 girls from G9-12.  If you would like to represent your house please see your house captains.

OWC & Cigna visit on Nov. 15, 2017 (10:15~15:00 @ H303)

Dear overseas staff,

OWC & Cigna visit will be on Nov. 15, 2017 (10:15~15:00 @ H303). This will be the last visit of this semester.

The first visit of next semester will be on Jan. 17, 2018 (10:15~15:00) @ H303 Centre.

Best wishes,



Marina in charge

Laurie, Arek, Juan and I are out of school at the EARCOS Leadership Conference from Wednesday – Friday.
