Please remember to pick up the payment slips for the activities you are enrolled.
I will be in my office (near the Center Cafe) in Week 5 from Monday to Friday 8:00-11:00 am and on Tuesday also from 12:00-14:00.
There are still some seats available for great activities like Exercise basic, Creative Photography just to name a few. Feel free to contact me with questions or queries about the activities.
Your Community Activity Coordinator
Katja Schubert
MS Students in the Cafeteria after 3pm
Middle School Students! Here is a very clear message about using the Cafeteria after 3pm.
The cafeteria is only open to students after 3pm if…..
You are with a parent
You are waiting for your Sports Activity to start at 4.15pm
Still not sure if you can go in the Cafeteria after school? Come and see me
Day 3 PS Reminders
Reggio PD Conference:
Takes place today and tomorrow in the PAC 8:30am-4:15pm. EY Teachers as well as Junlah and Adam will be in attendance. (Please refer to Kasson for any needs in their absence).
4:30pm Travel Tips on Friday’s- Staff Lounge
Ecole Hotelier Lausanne Today
Grade 9-12 students EHL is visiting today at lunch from 1:00 to 2:00 in the MSUS/LGR.
Stop by to learn about the hotel and business school. EHL School Visit Poster-12ep9q3
Congrats to the 11th graders!!!
They’ve all turned in their travel docs for Discover China!
A week without walls! Will you be hiking? or fishing? or renovating houses? camping? painting? shopping? teaching? learning kung fu? If you want to go, you have got to turn in your travel documentation TODAY, Friday, Sept 7th before 1pm. Just get on the phone and phone home! Send your info to annayuen@nanjing-school.