Month: September 2018

Day 3 PS Reminders

Reggio PD Conference:

Takes place today and tomorrow in the PAC 8:30am-4:15pm. EY Teachers as well as Junlah and Adam will be in attendance. (Please refer to Kasson for any needs in their absence).

4:30pm Travel Tips on Friday’s- Staff Lounge

Area Block for Maintenance

Dear all,

The back granite ground area of Cafeteria is blocked for hydrant maintenance this weekend. We fenced and put signs around, please keep away for safety.  Picture attached below for exact location.

Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Department

Congrats to the 11th graders!!!

They’ve all turned in their travel docs for Discover China!

A week without walls! Will you be hiking? or fishing? or renovating houses? camping? painting? shopping? teaching? learning kung fu? If you want to go, you have got to turn in your travel documentation TODAY, Friday, Sept 7th before 1pm.  Just get on the phone and phone home!  Send your info to annayuen@nanjing-school.


Community Activities

Please remember to pick up the payment slips at my office for the Community Activities you registered. I will be in the office tomorrow morning from 8:00-10:00 and every morning next week from 8:00-11:00.
There are still a few seats open for some activities: Exercise basic, Creative Photography, Tai Chi, Swim Sessions, German as foreign language (for adults), Chinese Tea Culture, Chinese massage, Acupuncture basics and Oil painting. Please fell free to contact me regarding open spots.
Your Community Activity Coordinator
Katja Schubert

Day 2 PS Reminders

Good morning!

A reminder that we will be meeting in the EY Centre for our Carousel Collaboration at 3:15pm today.

Looking forward to our collaborative conversations.

Adam and Junlah

ACAMIS Table Tennis starts next week

For the first few weeks, practices are on Thursdays 3.15pm – 4.30pm and Fridays 4.20pm – 5.50pm.

Open to Gr9 – 12 students. Sign up on Veracross and meet in the gym on Thursday next week for the first session

Personal Project Day

Grade 10! Today is the day you have all been looking forward to…. Personal Project Day!  Please go to the Music Room straight after Advisory with your bags and computers ready for an intense Personal Project Launch.