Year: 2018

StuCo Advisory Liaison

please read this message from the student council and read to your advises today:


The student council is looking for advisory liaison for each advisory. Please choose one person for your advisory, write the name on the piece of paper in the envelope that was delivered to you, with your advisories selection by Tuesday 4th September at 8:10.


(Note: The advisory liaison should have we-chat for contact)

Boston University Here Today

BU offers over 250 undergraduate programs, has more than $200 million dollars for grants and scholarships,

has a diverse community and a wide range of clubs and organizations, with over 400 global initiatives and well over 9,000 international students.

At 10:20 today come to the MS/US LGR to find out more!

PSAT at NIS Wednesday, October 10

Hello Grade 9 and 10 students.  After break on Wednesday, October 10th  the PSAT will be offered at NIS.

This is a standardized assessment that you can take as a practice before starting to take the SAT.

The SAT is used as a data point for admissions to universities in the USA and some universities  around the world.

Stop by my office to sign up and get a payment slip for the business office.  The fee is RMB 110.

Sign up starts Sept 03 and ends Sept 19.

Homework Club!

Homework Club is on this week Monday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:15. Both days will have multiple teachers including maths and English teachers. All grade 6-12 students are welcome to attend, no need to sign up! Come ask questions, work on projects, speeches, EEs, Personal Projects, and anything else that you need to complete.

T T O F……cat’s out of the bag

Travel Tips on Friday …bet you didn’t guess that one?

The gap in your social calendar has just been filled and I hear you asking…. why has this not happened before?

That omission has now been corrected.

On the 1st Friday of the month starting on 7th Sept there will be an informal get together in the Staff Lounge:

Time – 4.15 for 4.30 start till 5.30pm

All staff welcome

Light refreshments available

Dean will kick off on 7th Sept with some invaluable travel tips – e.g. how to maximise your air miles and get the most out of your loyalty cards. With years of experience in the travel industry come along and find out more… for those insider game changing tips. Free upgrades ??

This will be a very chilled opportunity to share travel experiences – no PPT’s/ no handouts/ no razzamatazz

Sue will probably do sth on the Tulou (round houses in Fujian Province near Xiamen) on 12th Sept.

Dates for you diary : Friday 12th Sept/2nd Nov/7th Dec 2018

No need to RSVP just turn up – happy holidays and see you there!

NIC Membership BBQ Sat 12-4pm here in school

Everyone is welcome. If you are a NIC Member it is free. If you just want to come along and have fun it is  RMB250 for adults and RMB100 for children. This is  the legendary SKYWAYS BBQ – the best nosh this side of Alps!

Lots of activities for children and the chance to catch up with old friends and get to know more about our new families too. There is a huge tent for everyone to sit under cover. It will be erected Friday afternoon from 3.30 so please keep out of that area.

See you all there – come rain – come shine !

For more info see Sue N in Admissions

a) What’s the record number of hotdogs eaten in ten minutes?

b) Who invented the hovercraft?

c) How many followers does Kim Kardashian have on Instagram?

If you can answer these questions and more like them, then you could help your house take an early lead in this year’s house championship.

The first inter-house event of the year will be held on Friday Sep 7th during advisory.



Answers – a)  74, b) Sir Christopher Cockerell, c) 115.7m (as at Mon Aug 27th)

Grade 10 Personal Project is on the way!

Grade 10 Students! Personal Project is about to begin and we are all set for a fantastic year full of exciting projects, presentations and personal goals. I will see you all for a full day on Wednesday but in preparation for that, please login to Managebac and take a look at the Personal Project section and the information contained in there for you.

Go to the school website – students – Managebac and then login. If you have difficulty logging in contact


Day 6 PS Reminders

House Challenge– meet out on the soccer fields at 8:05am. Plan to be out until approximately 10:40am.

PS Maker-Space Grand Opening and Intro at 10:40am everyone’s invited.

Thai Promotion can be HOT! Please help students know how to check the food signs during lunch to be sure they are not selecting food that is too spicy.



Area block for weekend maintenance work

Dear all,

For fire hydrant maintenance outside cafeteria kitchen, this granite ground area will be blocked during whole weekend; please see picture below for exact location.

Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Department