Year: 2018

Reminder about exchange money at the China Merchants Bank (CMB)

Please read the following info carefully, if you are an overseas staff:

Before you visit the CMB for exchange, please make sure that you take your CMB cardoriginal passport and  your employment contracts since school year 1617, individual income tax (IIT)  statements and salary statement.

The IIT Statement will be issued on monthly basis, while the Salary Statement annually.


If you updated your passport recently, please pass a clear copy to Clara ASAP , so that your passport info on both tax & salary statement could be updated timely.


You would receive your 1819 salary statement &  IIT statement after 28 Aug 2018.


The China Merchants Bank (CMB) often double check if your name and passport No.on the tax&salary statement  is correct, and the exchange limitation could be the lowest amount of after tax salary, salary statement, salary amount transferred from our school account, and the employment contract. (If your salary deduction is too much, your exchange limitation could be much less.)


For security consideration, the CMB suggested us to setup the SMS function of bank card at the bank counter, and not link our salary card with Alipay or WeChat Pay as well.


Confessions from an Email Fail…

  1. It is quite easy to click “reply all” to emails you mean to reply only to sender.
  2. It’s always better to wait and have a conversation with a colleague than rush out an email.
  3. The definition of irony is flubbing up an email…about email.
  4. Our colleagues are kind and forgiving.
  5. Sometimes, lessons are learned the hard way; take it from me!

StuCo Elections

Hello MS/US students!

Do you want to help the school?

Do you want to be your classmates’ voice?

Do you want to work on some great projects!

Join the Student Council !!!

If you are interested, please email with your name and grade before Friday, August 24, 5:00p.m.

You will then receive further details on Friday Afternoon!

StuCo Elections

Hello Grade 9 – 12 students!

Do you want to be involved in how our school is run?

Do you want to be the students voice?

Do you want to initiate events!

Run for Student Council President / Vice President !!!

If you are interested, please email with your name and grade before TUESDAY, August 22, 12:00midday.

You will then receive further details on Wednesday Afternoon!

STUCO Elections!

Hello Grade 9 – 12 students!
Do you want to be involved in how our school is run?
Do you want to be the student’s voice?
Do you want to initiate events!
Run for Student Council President / Vice President !
If you are interested, please email with your name and grade before TUESDAY, August 22, 12:00 midday.
You will then receive further details on Wednesday Afternoon!
Go for it! 

Join MS/US Student Council!

Hello Middle and Upper School students!
Do you want to help the school?
Do you want some leadership experience?
Do you want to be your classmates’ voice?
Do you want to work on some great projects!
Joithe Student Council !
If you are interested, please email with your name and grade before Friday, August 24, 5:00p.m.
You will then receive further details on Friday Afternoon!
Join today! 

Student Led – ASAs, Clubs, Performing Arts, Service

Looking for Students in Grade 9 and up to run activities!

If you have a talent, skill, passion that you would like to share, then run an activity!

Please email Ms Anna today before Monday, 20th Aug. 9pm with the following info:

Your name:

Supervising teacher (find a teacher who will supervise you and the younger PS kids):

ASA, Club, Service Title:


Category (Movement, Arts & Crafts, Life Skills & Games, Club, Service):


Day of the Week:

Short Description:

Max. # of students:


Thank you!

Bursting the Bubble Service Opportunity!

Do you like dumplings, Muslim noodles and games? If you answered “yes” then here is a great Service Opportunity for you!

Sign up to interact with the Pfrang students. You must come on both Thursday August  23rd, 5 pm – 6.30 pm and Friday Aug 24th, 3.30 pm – 5.45 pm.

You can sign up on Veracross now.


Day 5 PS Update

Good morning,

A quick edit to the PS Weekly:

TA meeting is on Friday 24th Day 1 Period 3, 10:00-10:40. Location is to be confirmed

That’s not my name!

Did you know that we have three amazing Sections here at NIS: Primary School (PS…EYPK-G5), Middle School (MS…G6-9), and Upper School (US…G10-12)?

Did you also know that we use three wonderful IB Frameworks for learning: The PYP, MYP, and DP?

Did you know that we have a bad habit of calling our Sections by the name of our Frameworks?

Has anyone ever called you by the wrong name? It’s not cool.

Be cool and use the correct terminology. Help your friends, parents, and especially your dedicated teachers.  Thanks!


MS US Assemblies

Hello MS/US teachers

If you have any items that you would like put on the MS/US Assembly agenda please let Gretchen or Lance know by the Tuesday  before the Assembly.

Thanks you

School Bells

School Bells:

Bells are chosen by advisory teams and last one week per year. Some bells slots are pre-scheduled (e.g. Chinese New Year, Productions, DP exams, etc.). Emptied slots are filled with an alternating schedule of PS, MS, and US bells. If not enough bells are submitted to fill the schedule, the holes are filled through individual student and staff requests.


MSUS Deadlines: August 30th; PS Deadlines: September 14th

Location: Studentlargestorage / School Bells

  • Bells must be appropriate for all ages, grades, and community members.
  • All music must be known to be clean. This means instrumental clips of known explicit songs will not be accepted.
  • Individuals and advisories may submit as many clips as they like; they will be used to fill holes (e.g. Weeks 3 & 4 currently have no bells! hint hint)
  • You may submit an entire song or a clip less than 17 seconds in length. If you submit an entire song, Miss Keus will choose the best portion to be used.
  • If an advisory submits their song after the deadline given, Miss Keus will do her best to find an available slot, if possible.