Year: 2018

Do you like Skating, Blading or Rolling? Would you like to help the PYP Rolling, Blading and Skating ASA? – Service Activity

The Wednesday G1-5 Rolling, Blading and Skating ASA would like some G6-11 helpers to assist and teach the PYP students. Would you like to help? Would you like to do this as a Service activity? You don’t have to be able to skate, roll or blade but if you can then great. If so, please email me if you are interested.


G9-12 Inter-house football

Please contact your house captains if you would like to play in the G9-12 inter-house football tournament next week (Wednesday 18th April).

Teams need 7 players including a goalkeeper, plus subs.

Each house needs both a girls and boys team.

Please wear house shirts and suitable shoes.

MS/US Assembly Seating Plan

Hello Grade 6-12 Superstars,

Please review the attached “normal” seating plan by Advisory for our Friday assembly.

Here is a limerick to remind you of correct assembly etiquette:

There once was a kid from Xian Lin,

Who did not want to be late again

He set his alarm, which was great…

Was seated in the PAC before eight…

And stayed off his phone, for he knew that was a sin.

See you tomorrow!

Dartmouth College Visit April 19

Grades 9-12 students

Dartmouth College, in Northeastern USA, is a top research Ivy League university that has Division 1 sports.

A great opportunity for you to come and hear about what this university experience can offer you!

Thursday, April 19 at 12:50 in the MSUS/LGR

Life 101 Today, Thursday

Grade 8: Black Box Whole Class

Grade 9:  Drama Classroom

Grade 10:  Floor 2 Mezzanine, above the Cafeteria

Grade 11:  Green Gym with exercise clothes and shoes

Gaming Room and PYPx

Hello Teachers,

Please find the attached rota for the uses of C151 (AKA The Gaming Room) by our PYPx students over the coming weeks. The room will remain accessible to MS students during Break and Lunch. but this is subject to change based on material storage needs.

FYI to all. Please see Jacqui P. with queries and Kasson with complaints 🙂

Gaming Room schedule



Discover China Trips October 2018 (Grades 5-10)

Discover China week trip selection for Grades 5-10 will take place next week via Veracross. All Grade 5-10 students and parents were sent an email outlining the Trip choices for their grades and other trip selection information. Selections will open at 0800 Monday. If you have any questions please contact me.

Ultimate Frisbee is flying high – Grade 6-12

Ultimate Frisbee
Mar 26 – Jun 14
Grade 6 – Grade 12
Monday and Wednesday 3:15 – 4:15

Please email Mr Hutchison or Mu-Yen if you are interested in joining. Or simply turn up on Monday or Wednesdays outside PAC.

MAP assessments: message for G6-10 students

Students in Grades 6-10:

Over the next couple of weeks, you will take the Spring MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessments in Reading and Maths.

You will see the schedule below that indicates the time of the assessments, where they will take place, and the supervising teacher.

These online assessments may take up to 90 minutes, so you will have extended lessons on these days.

You may finish the assessment early, so bring a book to read quietly.

Any questions — please see your Maths and/or English teacher or me.

Mrs Tyoschin


Faculty Transition Workshop Thursday April 12

Hello NIS teachers,

On Thursday,  April 12 at 3:15 the counselors would like to offer a workshop for those faculty and their partners
who will be leaving NIS and continuing on to new locations around the globe.  We will meet in the Cafeteria Mezzanine, floor 2.
Some talking points:
  • Healthy closure for healthy beginnings
  • Transition Stages
  • Ideas and advice from those in recent transition
  • Family needs
  • We are all transient, tips and tricks from each other