Month: April 2020

Grade 11 EE / SE Session: Monday, April 13th

Good morning, Grade 11.

Remember the Extended / Senior Essay?? We do! Don’t worry, though, Ms. Lenk and your supervisors are here to sort you out!

Collect your thoughts and your research up to now, and come along to the LGR on Monday morning (block 1).

See you there.


Transition Time: Leavers and Stayers

Last week grade 12 reconnected after the Covid quarantine and today the grade 12 students prepared to transition and have healthy closure by building a RAFT:  Reconciliation, Affirmations, Farewells and Thinking Ahead.  Just as important to leave well, we have to stay well.  We are a mobile community with people in transition.  Take some time to build a RAFT if you are preparing for a move.  If you are staying, take some time to affirm your relationships, celebrate others and take care to build your day with people and activities that are meaningful to you.  Here are a couple of websites for leavers and stayers, whether you are a student or adult:

Friday Schedule

Hi Everyone,

It’s Friday and we are back to our Friday Schedule … otherwise known as Freaky Friday or Funky Friday!

So … the day looks like this:

  • Advisory: 8am – 8:40am
  • Block 1: 8.40am – 9:40am
  • Block 2: 9:40am – 10:40am
  • Break: 10:40am – 11am
  • Block 3: 11am – 12noon
  • Block 4: 12noon – 1pm
  • Lunch will go from 1:00pm – 2:20pm. Please be sure to check the BTT schedule, particularly the lunch allocations.
  • Block 5: 2:20pm – 3:20pm

G 12 Life 101 LGR

Good morning, G12.

We will meet in the LGR this morning, after Advisory.

Ms Ham will start us off by talking about plans for practicing the walk up to the risers for  graduation!

See you in a few…

Mid-Day Temperature Check Reminder

Please remember to have your temperature taken each day during lunch time. For Grades 12, 9, 8 and all faculty this is happens at the start of Lunch One, for G11 this occurs at the start of Lunch Two. This is a governmental requirement. Many thanks for your help with this.

Do you have a sewing machine?

Learn to Sew with Mrs Merrylees!

We are looking for a group of students to sew gift bags that will be sold at the next Christmas bazaar. These bags are super simple to make. We would make a variety of sizes and shapes.

But we need you! You would make these gift bags at home on your sewing machine. We will provide the material.

Please sign up on Veracross at 1pm Wednesday if you are interested and would like to learn more.

Staff Mid-Day Temperature Checks

Hello All,

Please remember to stop by the cafeteria entrance between 12:45pm and 1:20pm for a quick mid-day temperature check. This is a governmental requirement for all staff and students.


BTT Back Today

Hello All,

The revised Break Time Teaching Rota begins today. Please take another look and make note of your slots. All areas on on except the Early Years. Katie will be your go-to person for BTT cover. Please remember that she will only arrange cover if we are out on sick leave. Otherwise, it’s up to us to sort swaps.

Many thanks,


Lunchtime Updates

Hello ‘On Campus Students’!

Today (April 7th) we will begin a new plan for eating lunch.

G11 and 12: lunch in the Cafe

G8 and 9: Lunch in the Cafeteria in Lunch 1 (12.50 – 1.20)

G8 and 9: In Lunch 2 you can go to the Gym or go outside. Enjoy yourselves!

Podcast on Grief and Finding Meaning

Good morning all,

In honor of Tomb Sweeping holiday here is a podcast by Brene Brown hosting David Kessler, a grief therapist.

The first 20 minutes discusses the experiences of loss and grief and the second half of the segment has a focus on the pandemic and our collective experience of loss.  I thought of our NIS community quite a bit through this podcast.  I could think of so many stories, feelings and emotions that have been shared over these past several weeks.  Sending you my best.

G9 Service Learning Today

Dear Grade 9,

Half of you will go to D220 for Service Learning today with Ms Anna.

All of 9A and these students from 9C









The other half will go to D219 for Service Learning today with Mr Barder.

All of 9B and these students from 9C:

CMB Notice

CMB will CLOSE on April 4, 6 and OPEN on April 5, 2020 during Tomb Sweeping Day.