Year: 2020

Upper School lunch dining options: After October break

After October break, Upper School students will have the option to dine in either the Centre Cafe or the cafeteria.

  • Grade 12: You’re free to dine in either lunch 1 or lunch 2, in either location
  • Grade 11: Lunch 1 in the café or lunch 2 in the cafeteria
  • Grade 10: Lunch 2 in either the Centre Cafe or the main cafeteria

The option to lunch off-campus (Grade 11 and 12) remains unavailable for the time being.

XBlock Logo Competition Shortlist

Hi All XBlockers! After a great round of submissions for the XBlock Logo Competition we design teachers have whittled it down to 5 finalists. Now it’s your turn to choose the winner. Click on the following link to see the shortlist and click on ONE (1) that you like the best. This survey is open to Grades 6, 7 and 8 only.
The winner will work with the design teachers for a few tweaks to the image so it’s ready for all occasions. We’ll have a winner by the end of the first week back after the holiday so you have until then to vote!
Mr. Danny

New Service as Action Group: Talking Trash

Students in Grades 6- 10; an exciting new Service as Action group is about to start. It is Rubbish! Our new group is called ‘Talking Trash’ and is focused on UN GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. This group will meet with the Facilities Team to discuss ways to separate waste around school using different containers for such things as plastic or paper or metal. They will take Action by helping to set up a different way to collect our waste in school.

If you are in a group and are looking for a change to something different, or your project is coming to an end, this could be for you. If you join you are committing for at least the rest of this semester. Limited places…get your names to Mrs Clarke asap. Don’t waste time…


Facility Notice ——Request for Facility Centre

Dear all,

From Week10 (Oct 12th) of this school year 2020-2021, Facilities Department will provide Facilities related support and services for all staff through online email-based tickets system called “Facility Centre”.  The original yellow form will be discontinued after Week 10.

Please click here: Request for Facility Centre for more details.

Thank you.

Facility Department



Facility Notice

Dear all,

Monthly Equipment Testing of Evacuation and Lockdown System on next Tuesday (Oct 6th) 1:00pm~4:00pm.

Fire-Fighting System upgrade and maintenance on next Tuesday and Wednesday (Oct 6th~7th) for whole days.

Please ignore the alarming bell and the flickering blue lights during the period.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Facility Department

CMB Notice

CMB will CLOSE on October 1-4, 6, 8 and OPEN on October 5 & 7, 2020 during Mid-Autumn Festival & National Holiday.

Any application for telegraphic transfer and foreign currency exchange will NOT be processed at CMB from October 1 to 8, 2020.

MS/US MAP Wrap-Up Lunch Sessions

Hello Grade 6-10 Students,

MAP wrap-up sessions will be held in the LGR from 1:15pm-2:15pm today and tomorrow in the LGR. Students that need some time to finish up have been contacted directly by Mr. Bratton. If you have a test to complete, please go ahead and eat lunch at 12:50pm, then head up to the LGR.

Many thanks!


In case you missed the PD announcement:

#PUBpdASIA was built around the idea of the BarCamp – “an ad-hoc unconference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment” ( – like what happens during the after-hours of a conference. With #PUBpdASIA, the idea is that educators around Asia will gather at local watering holes where they’ll post their discussions on a shared topic with the larger educator network via Twitter. In order to gauge interest and see how many seats we should book with Harry from Potato, please fill in this form with a simple YES or NO by this Sunday, 1500. Those colleagues still overseas, please join from the comfort of wherever you are sheltering, and bring your beverage of choice and have your Tweets ready.

The first one for 2020-21 is on Tuesday, September 29th and the topic will be:

“The Struggle is Real”
A chat around our current struggles & supporting each other right now.

We hope to see you there!

MS/US Spirit Day is tomorrow – Friday, September 25


See the poster for more details

Kari Beck, on behalf of MS/US Student Council

Pajama Poster_1.pdf

X-Block, MAP & ATLs

Good morning, all X-Blockers.

Here are the key points for today.

Grade 7 – Off to MAP Reading at the end of break.

Grade 6 & 8 Kitchen X-Blockers please check in with Ms Cynthia in the design centre as Mr Snyder is supervising MAP.

All other grades 6 & 8 move quickly and quietly to your assigned locations at the end of break. If you have an off-campus mentor make sure you log onto Teams as soon as you have checked in with the room supervisor.

All students remember to discuss your ATL grades with your mentor TODAY. Happy X-Blocking!

Grade 7 Reading MAP Testing Today

Hello Again Grade 7 MAP Masters,

Your READING MAP test is happening today, starting Block Three in the LGR.

Here’s how it works:

-Everyone stays in the LGR for Block Three to the end (like last time), regardless if you are finished or not (so take your time…)

-At the end of Block Three, those that have finished the test go to Block Four. Everyone else continues testing (so take your time…).

-At the end of Block Four, those that are still testing will go to lunch and finish the test at a later date (so take your time!).

Give this test your best!


Ps. Grade 6, you are up tomorrow, so get some good sleep tonight!

NIS Moveathon Rescheduled

The exciting new NIS Moveathon (on the calendar for September 30th) will be rescheduled later in the school year to give our student-led organizing team more time to prepare. This day will run as normal.

Please stay tuned for more information from the Moveathon Masters. Thanks!