Year: 2020

🌧 BTT and Indoor Play ☔️

Please check your respective indoor play locations on the BTT schedule. This is particularly important for in the Primary School spaces: when you’re on BTT, please go into the classrooms and engage with our young learners. Remind them to be safe, kind and helpful as they play.

For those scheduled in L2, please do attend on time so that your L1 colleague can have some lunch.

Wednesday & Thursday: L1 (12:50 – 1:30pm) L2 (1:30 – 2:10pm)

Friday: L1 (1:00 – 1:40pm) L2 (1:40 – 2:20pm)

Semester Two BTT Schedule

With gratitude and good vibes for the rest of week,


MSUS Awards Assembly screening today

Calling all MSUS students, teachers and parents!

Today we will screen our Semester 2 Awards Assembly at 2.15pm.

All students and Advisors should make their way to Advisory classrooms at 2pm ready to be seated for the 2.15pm start. The assembly lasts for 1hour.

This formal part of the end of the semester is a time honoured tradition at NIS and one of the ways we come together as a community to celebrate student achievements.

S2 Awards Assembly



Facility Notice – Access to NIS Campus during the Summer Holidays 2020

1. Access to NIS Campus during the Summer Holidays 2020

From Saturday 20 June 2020 to the 31 July 2020

Staff only (Faculty and Operations and Finance)

No students, No Children

Staff will have to present their staff ID card and the “Green Card” to access the campus

Authorised Visitors, including potential families, suppliers and contractors


  • The Centre:
  • Fitness Room (05:30h to 17:30h)
  • Cafe

All other indoor and outdoor areas will be closed.

Access to the school area beyond the ID Card Gates only when necessary.

Note: No Air Conditioning in areas other than The Centre.

There will be several maintenance and cleaning projects.


2. NO WATER in the Centre 

From Jun 22th to June 28th due to essential maintenance.

Feed-Forward Today (and/or tomorrow!)

Our Feed-Forward Fishbowl (just up the stairs from the Library) has been “swimming” with inputs over the past two days! Please consider this a second invitation to “take the dive” and feed-forward your online learning practices, give SET some feedback on our goals, and share your thanks with one another. We’ll plan to leave it up until after-school on Thursday and move the gratitude pages into the PAC for sharing on Friday afternoon.

Reminder: Full Day Friday

A friendly reminder to students that Friday will be a full school day with dismissal at the usual times. Of course we will still have our assemblies, House Shield presentation, and yearbook signing, but this year we will add Break, Lunch, and some extra time with your teachers. Please remind your parents :-). Thanks!


This Thursday, 18th June don’t miss Pat S’s relaxing, fun Yoga classes.

Where : Dance Studio – 3rd floor of Centre

When : 4-5pm

Who :  YOU ! Everyone is welcome – come and give it a try even if you have never done any yoga before – ever….

What do I need to bring – your tired body

  • No previous experience needed
  • Comfy clothes
  • Mats available
  • No need to sign up – just come along and enjoy some stretching, relaxation and time for YOU
  • Happy Hour at Viking Pub to follow .. the perfect way to end a Thursday!

Leadership Opportunity for grade 8s

Attention all current Grade 8s!!!!!

Are you enthusiastic?

Are you free every Tuesday at lunch?

Are you willing to help your classmates?

Then apply to join the Global Citizen Diploma Student Steering Committee (GCD SSC). You will be a part of the leadership/organising committee. We are looking for 2-3 new members to join the team!

Please fill out the form. We will let you know before Friday, if your application was successful

Clearance Procedures reminder for leaving students

Hi Teachers,

Just an update that as parents are not allowed on campus to support our leaving students we have simplified the process this semester.

This message below + the link has gone out to all leaving families.

You all know that our Year Book is a super important memento for all our students. If you can make sure on the last day that those absent students also get a book signed by their friends, that will be much appreciated. Put a sticker with their name on the outside, and if you already have intel on who might be able to take it home for them – add that name or pass it on as appropriate.

Please leave those Year Books either in Admissions/Reception or with Weiwei and we will do our best to get them despatched over the holidays.

Any questions just drop by and see us or send an email to:

“Dear Parents,

Unfortunately as you all know, this year our parents are not able to come onto campus to complete the Clearance Form.

To ensure that your children are able to obtain their final school records, reports and deposits (if applicable) we would like you to fill out this simplified form – one form per student.

Please click on this link below : Clearance Form information for parents

Kindly make sure you have no library books outstanding and that any balances with Chartwells are settled before you leave Nanjing.

There is very important information in this link on how to get the final reports and documents for your child or children during the final week.

We will be very sad to see you leave and wish you safe onward journey wherever you are heading.

Stay safe, well and happy and keep in touch with your friends here at NIS.

Kind regards

Sue N

Sue Northcott

Admissions Director”