Category: Staff

Announced Lockdown Drill on April 18th, 2019@ 11.30h

Lockdown Drill will take place on Thursday 18 April @ 11.30h as scheduled for the whole school. Please find out online survey with attached Procedure of Code Blue, and share your feedback after the drill via by Friday, 19 April 2019.

Please be noted, all staff members must submit their feedback in the provided “Surveymonkey” form.

Thanks for your support!


Arek Owczarek

Deputy Director – Operations and Finance

Cigna & OWC visit schedule

Dear overseas staff,

The next 2 Cigna & OWC visits’ schedule:

– April 17, 2019 (10:30~15:00) @ H303 Centre

– May 22, 2019 (10:30~15:00), venue to be informed later (not H303 any more)

-No visit in June

Best wishes,

Clara Xi

DISCOVER CHINA 2019 information for next year’s Grade 8 & 9s

We need an idea of which trip you think you’d like to go on. You must choose a different trip from the year before. The link is at the book of this notice. Here are some general highlights from each of the Discover China trips. If you are now in grade 7 or 8, you can choose from:


  • Great Wall Hike ≈ 3 hours
  • Yaoqiaoyu Village
  • Tianchi Canyon Park
  • Via Ferrata Experiment Course (Climbing a wall)
  • 798 Art District
  • Service: exchange with migrant students


  • Camping
  • Bike Ride ≈ 20 kilometres
  • Kayaking
  • Hiking in bamboo forest
  • Ropes challenges
  • Bamboo Forest and Moganshan Scenic Area
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Tea plantation
  • Service: improvement of a section of the trail, pick up trash, and signage


  • Hike to Dhamma Cave ≈ 2 hours
  • Kung Fu Lessons
  • Dengfeng Kung Fu School and orphanage
  • Shaolin Temple
  • Longmen Grottoes
  • Team Building
  • Service: teach English at a kung fu school

Come to the ACTIVITIES OFFICE if you would like some more information.

Campus Access for Students

Hello NIS Students,

When can you be on campus?… Hint: Not whenever you want!

Where can you be on campus?… Spoiler Alert: Not wherever you want!

Please have a look at this amazing document to clarify!

#gohomeafterschool #yourparentsmissyou #scheduledandsupervised #Weknowthewifiisgoodbutgohomeanyway

#studentsafety #teachersanity #stoptellingyourparentstopickyouupat4:30soyoucangameinthecafeteria


Volunteers needed SOOOOOOOOOOOON!

Veracross will be unlocked Monday at 1.00 pm so you can sign up to help!

DATE CHANGED: April 17 – Swim Super Series Volunteers (10 volunteers – G 6-10)

April 27 – CAS experience – Spring Fun Day Volunteer Coordinator (1 volunteer – G11)

April 27 – Spring Fun Day (10 volunteers x 1 shift, 25 volunteers x 2 shifts – G6-10)

May 3 – Bake cookies or cakes for World Cup bake sale (10 volunteers – G6-11)

May 3 – CAS project – Bake Sale Organiser @ Nanjing World Cup (1 volunteer – G11)

May 3 – CAS project – Nanjing World Cup Volunteer Coordinator (2 volunteers – G11)

May 3 – Nanjing World Cup Ball people (6 x 2 shifts – G 6-9)

May 3 – Sellers for the Bake Sale (2 x 3 shifts – G6-9)

May 11 – Ting Ting School Visit Sports Day Volunteers (6 volunteers – G6-10)

Dates to be confirmed:

May 8 – Swim Super Series Volunteers (10 volunteers – G 6-10)

May 15 – Swim Super Series Volunteers (10 volunteers – G 6-10)

May 27 – Swim Super Series Volunteers (10 volunteers – G 6-10)

Got questions? Ask your amazing advisory teacher or come on down to the Activities Office!

Discover China 2019 information for next year’s Grade 6 & 7s

We need an idea of which trip you think you’d like to go on. You must choose a different trip from the year before. The link is at the bottom of this notice. Here are some general highlights from each of the Discover China trips. If you are now in grade 5 or 6, you can choose from:


  • Camping
  • Bike ride
  • Hike in Hangzhou West Lake
  • Rock Climbing
  • Abseiling
  • Amazing Race
  • First Aid Rescue Activity
  • Service: upgrade the campsite


  • Yellow Mountain Hike ≈ 4 hours
  • Hongcun, Tangmo and Xiuli Villages
  • Chinese painting
  • Bamboo  carving and factory visit
  • Tunxi Old Street
  • Tea plantation field
  • Local opera exchange program
  • Service: environmental clean-up of rivers, roads, countryside


  • Mt. Tai Hike
  • Confucius Cemetery and Temple
  • School exchange
  • Small group dumpling-making in locals’ homes
  • Dai Temple storytelling and activities
  • Outdoor Recreation Center
  • Team building activities
  • Service: to be confirmed but in Buyang Village

Come to the ACTIVITIES OFFICE if you would like some more information.

Posting Information to the LCD/LED Screens

Good morning,

Some of you may be wondering about how to get content from your classes, ASAs, etc onto the screens around the school. Here is a reminder about how to do that.

First, as they are horizontal screens, we would like to ask that any content you do submit, that you follow these protocols:

  • For all media submissions, please ensure that they maximize the horizontal perspective that the screens provide (i.e. landscape layout)
  • If you are submitting a single document (i.e. flyer) please make sure to make the text as large as possible (again using landscape layout) and high-resolution images (200dpi/A3 format would help ensure the size and pictures look correct)
  • Keep videos to 1GB or less
  • If you are unsure about how to make a slideshow, you can just put all the pictures in a folder and put your request to make a slideshow in your email
  1. Save all of these in a folder on the Large File Storage server (either Student or Teacher, doesn’t matter as long as you follow Step #2)
  2. Send the link/folder location to
  3. Please put an appropriate subject heading (like Student Council poster, Swimming Gala, etc.) on the email in Step #2
  4. Please also include the duration that you would like your media to run (i.e. 1 week, 2 days, etc., keeping in mind that 2 weeks is maximum duration)

And don’t hesitate to ask us for help as well, if you have an idea but you’re not quite sure how to make it happen. But please give us at least 24 hours (1 day) notice.

Second, here is the list of screens and their location:

  • 2nd Floor Cafe – the Centre (Pool/Activities)
  • Foyer Centre (Admissions)
  • Centre/Pool Hallway (Pool)
  • Foyer/School Entrance – by the sliding doors (Admin)
  • Foyer/School Entrance – by Library (Library/Admin/Student Council)
  • Library (Library)
  • End of Hall by Green Gym – 70″ Screen (Design/Activities)
  • 2nd Floor across from IT Office (MS/US/Activities/Counseling)
  • 2nd Floor, end of MYP/DP Hall (Middle/Upper School)
  • 2nd Floor by Music Department (Music/Student Council)
  • PAC (Drama)

In parenthesis/brackets are departments with primary content oversight, though you can always send email to with your request and we can sort it out. Thanks and have a wonderful day!

All the best,

Your Friendly IT Department

DISCOVER CHINA 2019 information for next year’s Grade 10 & 11s

We need an idea of which trip you think you’d like to go on. You must choose a different trip from the year before. The link is at the bottom of this notice. Here are some general highlights from each of the Discover China trips. If you are now in grade 9 or 10, you can choose from:


  • Hike to village ≈ 2 hours
  • Hike to work site ≈ 30 minutes each way/each day
  • Waterfall Hike ≈ 4 hours
  • Fishing
  • Batik workshop
  • Service: building cement wall, shoveling dirt ≈ 2 – 3 days


  • Camping
  • Bike ride ≈ 3 hours, ≈ 18 – 25 km
  • Hike to tea plantation 2.5 hours
  • Ziplining
  • Via Ferrata
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Service: repairing of a tulou (round house)


  • Bike ride ≈ 50 km
  • Run ≈ 5 km every day
  • Hike ≈ 20 km
  • Kayaking
  • Abseiling
  • Cooking
  • Rock Climbing
  • Moon Cave/Mud Bath
  • Environmental cleanup

To participate in the Yangshuo trip, there are the minimum requirements. You must be able to:

  • swim at least 200m unaided with life jacket on
  • run 5km
  • bike ride up to 50km
  • hike 20 km on undulating terrain (5 hours with breaks)
  • You should also be comfortable in confined spaces.

If you cannot bike ride or swim yet but want to go on the trip, Mr Stevens will provide you opportunities to upskill before the trip. We will be assessing your abilities before the summer.

Contact Mr Stevens TODAY!!!!!!!!!

Come to the ACTIVITIES OFFICE if you would like some more information.



Social Club Event

Enjoy the fine weather with a free Hot Dog, drinks and fun games this Friday in the BBQ area {outside the cafeteria} from 3:30 onwards. Hot Dog, Juice and Sodas are free, Beer and Wine at 10rmb (cash only). BYO any of your favourite toppings (Chilli, Cheese, Relish etc). Ketchup and Mustard supplied!! Challenge your friends with a game or bean bag toss (Corn Hole) and other outdoor games. To help with catering, please sign up in the staff room if you can make it.

Cartoon illustration of a happy hot dog.


Help Wanted: Service as Action

Want to join Reduce, Reuse and Recycle?

The Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Service as Action group is looking for 6-8 students to join the group.

We need help with the following tasks:

  • collecting paper every Day 5 during Block 3
  • sorting paper for shredding
  • shredding paper

If you want to help, please send an e-mail with a paragraph explaining why you want to join RRR to Ms. Johnson at Thanks!


Facility Notice

Section-C Power off as EY project needs:

This Sunday (Apr-14th)  from 1:00pm to 5:00pm.


Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Department