Discover China Meetings

On Friday, after registration/roll call, students and chaperones will meet in the following rooms to talk about the upcoming amazing experience that awaits you:

Hangzhou – Mr Baker – Design Center

Huangshan – Mr Dutton Blue gym

Taishan – Mr Winstanley – D210

Beijing – Ms Crème D346

Moganshan – Mr Snyder – D212

Shaolin – Ms Moen D213

Xiamen – Ms Keus – M252 (music room)

Yangshuo – Mr Steven Green gym


University San Diego 12:50 LGR

Grades 10-12 students!  The University of San Diego will be visiting NIS on

Monday, October 14 at 12:50 in LGR.  Embrace, Focus, Achieve, Become, Develop…That is their motto.

Find out more about programs, campus, scholarships

Score keepers needed.


If you haven’t done your volunteering experience yet, here’s your chance!

Score Keepers Needed!

We are hosting the Orange Division Volleyball Tournament and we need your help. You can only sign up for ONE game during school time. Please email Ms Anna with the game number and the name of your partner. Please email her the ROW number and the Column Letter.

For example, Rachel and Yerin are doing Game 7A. Sophia and Jisook are doing Game 14 C.


Ms Anna

Volunteer Now!

Saturday, October 12, 5-7pm

3 volunteers in Grades 9 or 10 needed to help at the Jazz Festival. One person needs to collect tickets, another needs to give directions and another to check tickets based on the registration list. After your job, you are free to attend the concert. The supervisor will be Ms Sue Northcott.

Possible learning outcomes:

Challenge and new skills

Strength and growth



Please sign up on Veracross


Thursday – Saturday Oct 24-26

Score Keepers for ACAMIS Volleyball

Grades 9-11 (grade 11s must sign up for 1 session during the school day and 1 on Saturday)

Volunteers are needed to help score keep at the ACAMIS Volleyball Tournament.

The supervisor will be Ms Anna (

Possible learning outcomes:

Challenge and new skills

Strength and growth



Commitment and perseverance

Please sign up in the Activities Office.


Slideshow Maker, Friday-Saturday October 26th

Need 1 student in grade 10 or 11 to make a slideshow of the volleyball tournament that will be shown on the Saturday evening. The supervisor will be Ms Anna ( Your task involves selecting photos representative of all the teams and pairing it with appropriate music

Possible learning outcomes:

Challenge and new skills

Strength and growth



Initiative and planning

Commitment and perseverance

Grade 10 – where can I eat lunch?

A short reminder Grade 1o:

  • You can dine in the cafeteria as usual;
  • The Centre Cafe continues to be unavailable as a dining option.

Come and see me if you’ve any questions

Ms Ham

Discover China Meetings

Discover China Meetings

On Friday, after registration/roll call, students and chaperones will meet in the following rooms to talk about the upcoming amazing experience that awaits:

Hangzhou – Mr Baker – Design Center

Huangshan – Mr Dutton Blue gym

Taishan – Mr Winstanley – D210

Beijing – Ms Crème D203

Moganshan – Mr Snyder – D212

Shaolin – Ms Moen D213

Xiamen – Ms Keus – M252 (music room)

Yangshuo – Mr Steven Green gym

The “Syllabus” – new essays & podcasts

An eclectic weekly selection of the best new essays, talks, podcasts, and more.

Evgeny Morozov’s The Syllabus salvages “the best, the deepest, and the most important bits from the ever-growing great pile of information”. Organized by interest it collects truly stimulating but mostly overlooked online content on a broad range of topics.

  • Our ultimate ambition is to create a “living syllabus” on a series of subjects that matter.
  • We want to ensure that individuals and institutions who want the best new insights into complex yet important issues have the ability to find and peruse more than just tweets or blog posts.
  • Until now, doing this – without getting lost in the labyrinths of academia, think-tanks, and conference halls – has been an arduous task. The Syllabus will change that for good.

Classrooms for Learning2 Next Week

Hi All,

In advance of Learning2 @ NIS, please consider the following regarding use of all classroom spaces from NEXT Thursday after-school:

-Please leave the room as you would like it be if you were presenting to adults in this space.

-Please leave whiteboards clean.

-Please leave the remote to the protector near the screen in an obvious location.

-Please stow any materials that you would like not be be touched.

-Spaces will likely be rearranged to some extent. Though we will do our best to leave things as they were found, some readjustment on Monday morning may be required. 

Many thanks for your assistance as we welcome the world to NIS!

Inclusion Iceberg Slides

Please find the slides from our Monday session here and thanks again for your contributions in collectively surfacing our assumptions and perspectives around inclusion as learning. We are working on collating/analyzing the data and are looking forward to this feeding this back ways that help focus our efforts regarding student learning for all. Cheers!