Facility Notice

  1. Monthly equipment testing of Evacuation and Lockdown System on this coming Sunday (Sep 29th) 1:00pm ~4:00pm. Please ignore the alarming bell and the blue light flickers during this period.
  2. Water cut off from 10:00am to 6:00pm on Oct 1st, 2nd & 3rd for fire fighting system maintenance.

Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Department

2019 Flu Vaccination Registration

Dear all,

The flu shot will be arranged by school in October. Are you interested in flu vaccination at local community clinic this year? If yes, please register online by Oct 9th: 2019 Flu Vaccination Registration

Child aged over three, will take the same flu shots as adult. If your child is younger than 3 years old, please consult with your doctor. If you have any queries, please contact me via nurse@nanjing-school.com

Intention Letter

For overseas staff who are at the end of contract in July 2020, please find the intention letter in your mailbox.  Please sign and return to Holly or Laurie’s mailbox before 3PM Friday.

Weekly Bulletin is happening this Thursday 17th October

There will be a Weekly Bulletin coming out this Thursday as we have a short week for our students.

Please send through your submissions as soon as possible this week via the portal or send me a message if you have a problem.

Hoping for a fabulous Learning2 Conference.



Sewing machine and Fabric Remnants Wanted

Do you have a sewing machine that we could borrow for a couple of months?

We’d like to borrow one or two more sewing machine for a sewing project for grades 4 and 5 who will be make pencil cases to sell. All proceeds will go to the Pfrang Association.

We are also in need of any fabric that you no longer need. Please contact Ms Anna in the Activities Office.

MS/US MAP Make-up/Wrap-up Today

Grade 6-10 students, check your email!

If you have a note from Mr. Bratton, it means you need to eat 1st lunch today (dine outside please) and report to the LGR at 1:00pm with your laptop to make-up and/or finish up MAP testing.

See you there at 1:00pm sharp! 

Pecha Kucha @NIS is Back! 

PechaKucha or Pecha Kucha is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each. The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers multiple-speaker events called PechaKucha Nights.

A time-honored tradition at NIS, Pecha Kucha makes its triumphant return November 23, at 7pm. If you or someone you know would like to present an idealistic idea, tell a sumptuous story, or recite a poem you created about your most favorite thing in the whole world with 20 images at 20 seconds a piece, please contact bobbuhler@nanjing-school.com ASAP. More to come on ticket sales… They are a hot commodity!



Grade 9 GCD Today (Monday 23rd September) Block 5 LGR

Reflection.. did you know it comes from the Latin word ‘reflexio’? Hmm. So what? In our GCD session today we will be digging deep into reflection. Why do we do it? How do we do it? When do we do it to really make it meaningful? Find out in Block 5 today. See you then.